
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ghastlie Blog Hop Day #9

The Next to the last day - you really want to come and play. Visit these Ghastlie Sisters and give them some love:

Mrs. Sharon Ghastlie ( has pc problems...may be back tomorrow)

Mrs Corrie Ghastlie

Mrs Cheryl Ghastlie

Mrs Linda Ghastlie

Mrs Pickles Ghastlie

Leave them each a comment on their list - and you can be entered for these three Grand Prize Gifts

Corrie @ Quilt Taffy is offering ... yes yes yes $51.12 Gift Certificate
for one lucky Winner...

......OH look a BEAM n READ, Some Presencia threads and is that, is it really some Ghastlie coordinated buttons.

AND yes, more Ghastlie - 4 yds of assorted Ghastlies Fabric from Alexander Henry Fabrics


Yes, I have been sewing - that Christmas fabric tote has been on the table since the cold and the snow hit our area. I really hate working with seasonal/holiday fabrics, but a lot is getting done with it. I'm playing and so is my SIL - maybe between the two of us it will get used up.

The first three blocks of the 12 Days of Christmas Sampler Quilt Along - button is on side bar. I have changed the patterns up. The truck needs to be enlarged at least 200% and then you lose the integrity of the pattern. Don't look too close, the door doesn't line up so will have to fix - buttons will be wheels and have some other embellishments planned. The Santa will have buttons added to his coat. And the fireplace will have lots of embellishing - that I changed to look more like my own mantel. I like to do some of my embellishing as part of the quilting, so have little zip-lock baggies with bits and bobs and notes to attach to each block.

This is Valori Wells 'Little Wallet' pattern. They work up so quickly and I have a dozen done. Three pockets will hold those gift cards for the season - gas card, grocery card, and clothing card. And then handy in a pretty wallet tucked in your tote.

Putting the finishing touches on this candle mat for a Swap. I have other goodies to go with it and hopefull ready to mail in a week. I can't show all of it as I know she peeks.


Just added to the side bar - Minutes For Me button. Marcia will be hosting a linky - click button to go to her blog for information. I will be adding this to my posts.

Clover & Violet will be starting a Stichery Tote project - new button has been added to the side bar.


I need to give myself some minutes to me - my cross stitch has been taking a back seat lately. I really find this relaxing, another expression of painting with thread. I love samplers, such a heritage connection. I'm determined to get at least one thread's length stitched each day. I will be connecting with Marcia's CraftySewing blog - won't you join in?


Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting. -- Author Unknown

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hello Ms Sharon Ghastlie,i am enjoying my visit as usual,haahahahaah

  2. Hi, Sharon! I just love those little wallets - I'll have to look for that pattern! What a great idea for gift cards - which seem to be all anyone wants these days! I like your Christmas blocks, too - they're coming along nicely!

  3. Glad you linked up! I love the addition of Minutes for Me to your post! I fits perfectly! That is a great goal of one threads length of a color each day! I love it!
    Those wallets are really handy!
    Thanks again!
    Enjoy your day!

  4. What adorable little wallets! Those would be wonderful for gifts!

  5. Your little wallets are so cute! Visiting from Marcia's party! Have a great day!

  6. love those little wallets...mmmm...I think I have one LOL Use it all the time!! It is great!

  7. Hi Sharon - you've done an awesome job with the wallets. And thanks for listing the Ghastlies - isn't' that so much fun?

  8. I really like the 'Santa's stomach' block in the middle. Sew cute! Your needlepoint is coming along nicely.

  9. I've been looking for that wallet pattern for almost a year! I received one as a gift and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to not get the seams to show. I love my wallet. Perfect for cards and it is so light that when in a larger purse it doesn't add much weight!! Thanks for the link!!!

  10. Oh, you do need to take a minute for you!! You do so much for others! One length a day is good, but hopefully even more sometimes.

  11. Adorable wallets! and I love your cross stitch.

  12. Great wallet/gift card holders! Your cross stitch is beautiful!

    Whoop Whoop!
