
Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Quilt Show

I am excited to participate in this year's Christmas Quilt Show sponsored by SewCalGal. Please consider joining in or at least visit all the blogs with entries and casting votes at the end of the Show.

This a free BOM from Sulky International and from the year 2004. I wasn't quilting at that time, but a quilting friend showed me the Sulky site as I became an avid paperpiecer and I made the wallhanging in 2009-2010. It will be a heritage piece as I am planning on 'playing' with my grand children in finishing all the embellishing. Letting them choose a house or item that needs decorating over the years.

The SchoolHouse - my grandies aren't in school yet, so this one will probably wait a few years. And you may have noticed that I missed part of the star in my piecing - no worries, I'll embroider that section in.

Santa's Workshop and Row Houses. I think this year will be Santa's turn for some fun play.

The Candy Shop. I fussy cut the snow baby in the door - my Mom (their grandmother) collects snow baby porcelians and this will be a way of remembering her in the future. You may be able to make out the background fabric - it is the 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' story - the first holiday storybook I read to my eldest grandson.

Patchwork Shop and Post Office. Since we are a quilting family with quilt shop, this block is sure to get some goodies added. The mini holiday quilt is ready to hang on the line. The Post Office represents my Son-in-Law who is a route post deliveryman. Found this cute little envelope embroidery to stitch on the front.

The X-mas House - we had a local home that set up and displayed wonderful trees for the holiday and visitors were welcomed to enjoy. Church - our lovely little village churches are heavily damaged (Irene flood) and hopefully will be restored. Christmas Eve Service is a family tradition. Toy Shop - what little boy or girl doesn't love a toy shop! And the Bakery for all those lovely sweets during the holiday.

And my little box for storing goodies found with the hopes of being added to the embellishing of this wallhanging. Being a revolving-thru-the-years project, it will be fun to 'find' little items to put in that box for the grandies to search thru and select as part of the year's addition.

Thank you for visiting, maybe I have inspired to make a heritage piece to share with your grands. Please, be sure to visit all the bloggers participating and leave them a word or two (or more). Also, thank Darlene for hosting - after all, where can you see a Christmas Quilt Show without leaving your house!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I LOVE those little houses! And what a great idea to add bits to it over years...what a treasure it will be! And what great memories!

  2. Love, love this quilt Sharon. It inspired my houses row robin.

  3. I love the house quilt!! this is such a cute quilt!! I would love to have made this quilt!! Great job!! Hugs- Sandra --ps. I'm trying to keep up with Bonnie Hunters Mystery!

  4. Love your Christmas Houses Quilt! The little houses are sooooo Cool! And the trees are fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What an AMAZING quilt Sharon! It really speaks to me! Thank you for sharing. Of course I checked and this BOM is no longer on the Sulky website :(

  6. Your quilt is so wonderful. Love the houses.

  7. Sharon, what a wonderful idea to work on this over the years with the little ones. Cute and fun!

  8. That is such a cute quilt! Thanks for sharing.

  9. This is so cute and clever! Love it.

  10. Wonderful quilt Sharon, love how you make it over the years. XO

  11. How cute is the school house quilt? Answer = VERY ! :)
    Merry CHristmas

  12. This is an amazing quilt. There is so much work in all the detail in every block. It looks wonderful. Congratulations on all your beautiful work.

  13. Very pretty quilt. I love the houses and the blocks. Great job!

  14. Sharon that is a great wallhanging, and the idea of decorating it a bit each year with your grandchildren is wonderful.

  15. What an absolutely adorable quilt! The houses have so much personality. The embellishments will be so fun with your grandchildren. I still have the very small quiltlet my grandmother helped me make. At an early age she instilled in me a love of quilts that was just "there" without my even being aware of the process!

  16. Oh my what a lovely wall hanging, I'm a big fan of houses, especially if they're crooked. I love your idea of allowing your "little elves" do the embellishing... this will be something they'll remember for a very long time!

  17. This is a wonderful quilt! so lively and full of joy and FUN! Enjoy.. enjoy and thank you for sharing it!

  18. wonky Christmas in such style...adore this one Sharon...perfectly suited for this time of year

  19. What a fun project, thanks for sharing it and the story with us.

  20. What a wonderful project for you and your grandchildren! Great idea, thanks for sharing!=)

  21. What a wonderful quilt. Thanks for sharing the story to go with it. It definitely was inspiring!!

  22. What a beautiful and fun quilt. The grands will cherish it for years.

  23. Oh, the fussy cutting that went on with this is outstanding. A wonderful quilt and it is still offered on the Sulky International site. I am really considering the Wonky Houses - love it - you did such a beautiful job. Judy C

  24. These houses are way too much fun! I am so glad for you that you kept the pattern from so long ago. And your embellishment collection is awesome. A recommendation - if you haven't ever used Kreinik Iron-On threads and ribbons, this would be a great project to try them out on! They are really fun and easy to get carried away with. Your photo of Howe Caverns is bringing back memories of visiting there when I was about 9, too. :)

  25. Well now Sharon, that's just plain awesome!

  26. You put so much thought into the making of this quilt, and it is truly beautiful. I love it as it is. It's fun just looking at the details.

  27. Such a fantastic idea, to have the grands participate in the embellishments! Love how you have brought in pieces of family history and memories, too.
    Awesome quilt, Sharon!

  28. what a wonderful whimiscal wall hanging,,, I love your creativity

  29. LOVE this Sharon. Cool idea to add little embellishments that have personal meaning. You have quite the collection there!

  30. Oh, my dear. This quilt is so....i don't find the right english word....great, wonderful...not enough words to say it.

    Iris from Germany

  31. Sharon,

    Your Christmas quilt is toooo adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Love the wonkey little houses. What a fun quilt.

  33. Your house quilt is something else! As you say, it will be a heritage piece and a work in progress for many years. Each house has been made so special already...I'm sure it will be lots of fun as you embellish with the grandkids! Well done!

  34. Just LOVE that Christmas House Quilt! So fun and festive.

  35. Where can I find these patterns? This is exactly what I have been looking for..FOR ME!!!


  36. Your quilt is darling! Oh my gosh I just adore it.


  37. love this quilt! your comment on my blog about 'Home for Christmas' is so true! My son is in the military and we will have him home for Christmas. Home is a very good place. :)...and you are lucky to have grand kids!! my nieces helped me embellish a Piece O' Cake 'Santa's Village' quilt i made a few years ago...i have it on my blog and it was so fun having them help name all the houses with names of family members. such a treasure and wonderful memory!

  38. Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your quilts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world! :)

  39. I love your quilt, It's so beautiful. I love the little houses, the trees, all the details in it. Great work.

  40. This is so delightful!! Makes me want to clap my hands. (lol) and I think it's funny you forgot part of the star.

  41. YES! I am clapping too. What fun! Your post is fun I can feel the happiness you felt with this quilt. THANKS for sharing!

  42. I love your village quilt Sharon. Those buildings are so cute.

  43. What an incredible quilt! And a great plan to work on it through the years. I will tuck that away in case I ever have grands.

  44. I'm getting more and more ideas for my Christmas Quilt! Love the interactive part you plan for your Heritage quilt.

  45. Fabulous project for your grandchildren! Love how you have personalized it to your family. Thanks so much for sharing! Just love this idea!

  46. Sharon this is just the cutest quilt! I've been thinking about doing a wonky house block just to try it - is it pretty easy? blessings, marlene

  47. What a wonderful quilt and a fantastic way to share your love of quilting with your grandkids!

  48. What a fun quilt. I love the gingerbread house :)

  49. I love this quilt! The houses and other buildings are so cute.

  50. Love it! You did such a great job! I love that it is a multi-year quilt! Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  51. Oh, I love those houses -- they're fantastic!

  52. my jaw is on the floor of my craft room. this is spectacular - and the heirloom-ness of it makes it that much better! what a great idea!

  53. Beautiful quilt! Thanks so much for sharing it!!Love the tradition you are creating. SO amazing!!

  54. I love those sweet little houses! Just gorgeous.

  55. What a very fun Christmas quilt!! Love the houses.

  56. House blocks are a favorite of mine, so I am loving your quilt!!! Sooo cute and will be such a fun project for you all through the years and such a special heirloom.

  57. Those wonky houses just make me smile.

  58. What a beautiful quilt! I love the houses and shops :-)

  59. Gorgeous job, but did you realize your ruler was off kilter? (Just kidding, hee hee.) Love it!

  60. I had to leave a comment here because normally I do NOT like house quilts but I just adore these! You have made them so fun and whimsical and I love them! They remind me of one of my favorite folk artists work. Well done!

  61. Your grandkids are very lucky to have you as their Granny. Hope you have many wonderful hours playing with your darling little houses. Love your quilt very much.
