
Friday, October 21, 2011


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. Stonehenge evolved in several construction phases spanning at least 1,500 years. There is evidence of large-scale construction on and around the monument that perhaps extends the landscape's time frame to 6,500 years.
Associated with the Druids and mystical ceremonies, a perfect setting for Halloween.

I would like to welcome all the new followers as well as thank everyone who commented in participation of the Stonehenge Blog-aversary giveaway. I apologize to those who live where there is no celebration of this Holiday and to those who don't recognize it.

Helping my SIL in making a shirt for her brother for Christmas. Oh, it has been a struggle - surprising, as both of us sewed a lot of clothing 'many' years ago. Thankfully a lot of 'you-tube' tutorials assisted us, as the pattern instructions STINK! We have gotten to the hemming and the buttonhole finishing.

The winner of the Stonehenge Jewel Stone roll pack is Jennifer of Hoodies and Flipflops. I will send her an e-mail for mailing information.

You are not going to want to miss this fun Ghastlies Blog Hop. Madam Samm of Sew We Quilt and Sew I Quilt is our coordinator and hostess. She will be posting the Hop schedule on her blog Sunday night - the button on the side bar will be linked to it so you can pop in. I will be posting each day with the day's list of bloggers and their links,too.

There will be 5-6 bloggers a day from Monday, Oct. 23 - Friday, Nov. 4. There will be daily grand prize give aways as well as some of the bloggers will be hosting their own give aways. Some of the grand prizes:

Alexander Henry Fabrics- lot's and lot's of Ghastlie Fabric
Colonial Needle -sewing basket
Janes Fabrics -Kona fabrics in PINK -fat quarter bundle
Reliable Iron - orange Velocity 50
IHAN ( kelly )- aurifil threads
Coeurdalenegifts- 2 sets of Halloween lights
Forth Worth Fabric Studio - gorgeous gift set of Ghastlie fabric
Creative Grid -3 Rulers their top 3
Blue FIG- wheeled bag in PINK

You are going to be Frightfully Delighted!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. love the shirt Sharon

  2. I'm behind on reading blogs, so I missed the giveaway. :P Congratulations to Jennifer!

    We were blessed enough to send our daughter to England for a tour when she was in college. She visited Stonehenge and was amazed by it.

  3. Congrats to Jennifer. I've never won on a blog hop, so, I don't expect to win this time, but, there are some nice gifts.

  4. Congrats to Jennifer! Love that fabric for the shirt - I couldn't make one for the life of me. Looking forward to the Ghastlies!

  5. Congrats Jennifer.
    I can't wait for the Ghastlies. I've been trying to find a FQ bundle forever.

  6. Congratulations to Jennifer, and thanks Sharon for the giveaway!

    When I think of Stonehenge, I always think of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, Jamie and Claire are my heroes!! I've read the entire series, plus I got the Audible version. I listen to them again and again - can't wait for the next book to come out in 2012!!

  7. Congratulations Jennifer.
    Can´t wait for the Ghastliest!!

  8. That's WAY cool fabric for the shirt that you are working on. Where did you buy it?

    Thanks for the "stonehedge" to learn.

    It will be fun to see what you make with your Ghastlie fabric. I've bought one kit (from the first run last year) and I've bought more yardage of it this year. I LUV it!!


  9. Oh, I tried clothing once--about 20 years ago. NOT For me. Good luck to you and congrats to Jennifer.

  10. Thanks for the Ghastlies update :-) Congratulations to Jennifer! I find patterns for clothes very hard to read!
