
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ghastlie Blog Hop Day 4

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,"

"And I have many curious things to show you when you are there."
"Oh no, no," said the Fly, "to ask me is in vain;
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

I originally was going to make pieces inspired by Sabastian, but suddenly is became about Prudence - who's name means: 'the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason'. Disturbing little child in a disturbing family - is she their stability? So I had to use some pink mixed in with all the dark and macabra.

And like any little girl who needs to make some order to her life - a diary upon the bed - oh, that rascally Sabastian will sneak in almost anywhere. Yes I made my own Prudence pattern - that's black lace from my great grans hat shop and I know she would love this - and the diary is a sleeved cover for a composition notebook, so once filled a new one can be inserted. And yes, a little pocket to hold a pencil or pen.

Extra pillows - some comfort to our poor Prudence in this disturbing family? A tissue cover showcasing the uncles and a candle mat (pattern 'Spider's Den Block' from McCall's Quilting)- both using up scraps from the quilt and other projects.

A self portrait - since the family is in fear of mirrors. Dear sweet Prudence, if we could only get that hammer out of her hands. Again using scraps from other projects - just didn't want to waste any little crumb. And I found the most delightful witch's hat hanger - would make her old knitting aunties happy.

** since so many have asked - the hanger is from:
Ackfeldwire **

And when no one is looking, we can change things up. My first use of Minky, I'll admit. But even a little girl like Prudence deserves some cuddly! There's that darn cat!!!

AH HA - caught that crookedly cat! Yes, I used one of the likenesses in the Sabastian fabric and designed my own bit of furry scarey. My own fur babies do not like Sabastian and give him quite the 'HISS & SWAT' attack.

Here is my collection of Alexander Henry's Ghastly fun. Reversable quilt with pillow case, two reversable throw pillows, mini wallhanging, tissue cover, candle mat, Sabastian, and Prudence.


I started this piece as a runner, then thought a window treatment. As you can see it was never finished. Also, 7 pieces of fabric for your own Ghastly fun. They range from a FQ to half a yard to a full yard. You do not have to be a follower, but I would certainly welcome you. Specify if you would like to be in the drawing in your comment(s), and I will ship interational (I will cover shipping). This will be open until the end of the Blog Hop and name drawn midnight Nov. 4th - will post on the 5th.

Please be sure to visit today's other guest bloggers and leave them a comment:

Mrs Katherine Ghastlie
Ms Sharon Ghastlie - ME
Mrs Gooden Ghastlie
Ms Selina Ghastlie
Mrs Melinda Ghastlie


Today's grand prize - These rulers always MEASURE up to the Ghastlie Standards - Creative Grid top 3 rulers....Whoo Hooo - Evelyn (Ontario, Canada)selected from my blog comments was the winner!!

**UPDATE - The 2 Winners from Day #3 are Sheri from Mrs Penny Ghastlies
Jackie from Mrs Karen Ghastlies..
4 Yards of this GHASTLIE Collection from our sponsor
Alexander Henry Fabrics...

Check in at SewIQuiltNow as Madam Samm has all the updated daily give aways and the full blog hop schedule. And share a comment with the lady who dreamed up this ghastly blog hop, I know she will love to hear from you.


Q: What do you call it when a witch's cat falls off her broomstick ?
A: A catastrophe !

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love how you designed the room, very cute! Love the spider web, never really thought about doing that.

    Would much appreciate being added to the giveaway drawings.

    Thanks for the ideas and chance to win! :)

  2. Haha, what a sweet Ghastlie suite! Great ideas for projects, Ms. Sharon! This blog hop is just sew much fun - wow, you have been busy! Wonderful!

  3. I would be Ghastlie happy to be entered into the giveaways. Sharon you have outdone yourself in a Ghastlie way decorating your suite.

  4. Oh my an entire Ghastlie home. I'd love to win your delightful giveaway. Love your ideas and great blog

  5. I enjoyed your ghastlie post Sharon. And how gorgeous is that witches hat hanger!

  6. WOW..what a great Ghastlie retreat!!! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

  7. I think I need Sebastian in my life!

  8. Wow! You went above and beyond with the Ghastlies! Great job! You are very creative! I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks! Have a Ghastlie Day! :)

  9. You had way too much fun with the Ghastlie fabrics, Thanks for sharing some with us followers. Enter me in the Drawing, PLEASE!

  10. Love ALL the things you've done.. as usual! But I actually fell for the witches hat hanger!
    Thanks for a wonderful visit
    Ms Sharon ! :)

  11. I think that you have made awesome and ghastly things of all the fantastic fabric. Please enter me in your drawing.

  12. You truly chose a quilt pattern that showcased those Ghastlie prints. Pillows were excellent choices, too. Loved the cat, doll, hanger and tissue box cover. Display and photographs excellent. Wonderful blog entry!
    I would like to be considered in your giveaway.
    Have a Ghastlie Halloween, Sharon :D

  13. This is an amazing collection of goodies! Sebastian and Prudence are so cute and the whole bedroom setting is genius. Awesome!

  14. what a great post,love all the things you have made,so please Mrs Sharon
    Ghastlie please add me to your draw of lovely prizes,hahahaha

  15. I like all your projects - witches hat hanger is greate idea!thanks for sharing! Please enter me in your drawing.

  16. What fun! some great ideas
    Count me in please!
    By the way I love the joke!!

  17. Nice job. I would love to be in the drawing for some Ghastlie stuff.

  18. I am glad it is still dark dear Mrs Sharon Ghastlie...YOU ROCK..PRUDENCE doll, the cat, the quilt. the portrait..the ghastlie goodness I will just have to keep coming back I am sure I have missed the pillow (bed)
    OMG, Your runner too...I AM IN AWE at what you have done...PROUDLY a MRS Sharon FAN>.

  19. Wow, you've been so busy with your Ghastlie collection - love it!! Sabastian is my favourite :)
    I'd love a chance to win your ghastlie giveaway!

  20. What a wonderful tour you have given us. You have put a lot of time and work into it, thanks so much.

    I would LOVE to win your table runner/window decoration, so I will keep my fingers crossed.

  21. Such fun ghastly decorating tips. I'd love to win. I'm a follower too.

  22. Ohhhh myyyy goodness....that is totally out of this world, you have thought of everything....just awesome!

  23. That stuffed cat is awesome! All your little projects are cute but he may be my favorite.

  24. Goodness your are ambitious and creative. Love, love the room ensemble, Tres Ghastlie!And your Sebastian cat and Prudence dolls so clever!
    I will be honored to be entered in your giveaway!

  25. Very cute room. So creative. Thank you for the chance to win.

  26. Prudence is my favorite of the Ghastlies. She is so cute. Happy quilting.

  27. My goodness, you really like this fabric line, don't you. Your room is ghastly pretty!! I'd love to win that table runner/window treatment!

  28. Such fun! Love all of the Ghastlie projects. Thanks for the give a way!

  29. Most excellent :D Haha!!! A Prudence doll and cat. Love your post :)

  30. Sharon this is absolutely over the top - I love the whole idea of the room and the minky. I especially love the tissue cover and I'm going to have to figure out how to make one! Did you have a pattern? Wonderful job - really wonderful. blessings, marlene

  31. Too sweet!! Thanks for sharing you have some terrific ideas!

  32. Absolutely amazing - an entire GHASTLIES ROOM! I would love to be in your drawing for the prize.

    Thank you so much for the inspiration. I imagine that a lot of people are going to be out shopping for GHASTLIE FABRIC now!

    sao in Midlothian, VA

  33. Where to begin? I lay my broom at your feet and bow down to the Queen of Ghastlies. The dolls are just blowing my mind. Thank you so much! I would be honored to be added to your giveaway.

  34. woW to your "Ghastlie" room. woW to the quilt with the pink stripes. nice work.

  35. Great job designing poor Prudence's room -- perhaps she'll be encouraged to lay down the hammer and pick up the pencil! And loved the cat, too!!! Fun, fun, stuff!!! :)

  36. Such fun I had seeing all the Ghastlie projects!! Love the cat! Would be honored to win your Ghastlie prize!

  37. I love this fabric, and I love what you did with the fabric, all your projects are top notch! Thanks so much for sharing! Ms. Carrie Ghastlie

  38. Love it!! Count me in for your giveaway! Your kitty is adorable!

  39. Wow, you really made a Ghastlies collection. Everything looks beautiful. A beautiful Ghasltlies room.


  40. I can see you really had a bad case of the Ghastlie flu - ha ha. I love what you did and Prudence is a perfect name for the sweet girl that like to play with a hammer! Thank you for your fun site.

  41. Eye popping designs! Great ghastlies it all. Great job.

  42. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. What fun you must have had decorating that room with all your wonderful projects. Thanks for sharing.

  43. So many projects! And all are incredible! I would love to be included in your drawing!

  44. Yes, please include me for your giveaway. Thanks. Whoever sleeps in that room of yours will have ghastly dreams for sure! Your projects are great.

  45. Holy smokes! An entire Ghaslies bedroom. You have been one busy quilter!! I love all these fabulous ideas. I got a little carried away when ordering fabric (you know for fear they would run out like last year) so I'm well endowed with Ghastlies and am LOVING all the fantastic projects. Thanks for the inspiration. The cat is great and I'd bet my furry little friends would 'hiss' too:-)

  46. This is great. It would be fun to see what I could come up with from your table runner/window treatment. Thanks for the chance!

  47. Wow! You've been really busy with all those Ghastlie projects. They all turned out great. And of course I would love to win your giveaway.

  48. Love your decorating. This fabric is sew much fun. Thanks for sharing and the great giveaway.

  49. I would love to be in the giveaway drawing. I love all your projects.

  50. Such a "ghastlie" room, Sharon! Great projects!

  51. Oh my Sharon, you have been busy. I would love to be included in your giveaway! I love how you made the characters come alive! Thanks for sharing.

  52. That Prudence doll is wonderful, as are all your projects. Thanks for sharing! And count me in for your giveaway, thanks for the chance :)

  53. I would walk up those stairs!! Your clever creations are just wonderful - I LOVE the quilt!! You are a Ghastlie Genius! xo, Nan

  54. You were quite the busy Ghastlie girl! Love the quilt and all your other goodies! If other Sistahs are okay for the drawing, I'd love to be entered!

  55. Wow a whole room of Ghastlies. Amazing! And so much work. Great job.
    Love to be in the drawing! Thanks for sharing all this great work!

  56. WOW!! Sharon you've been very, very busy and, extremely creative. I'd like to know how you squeezed the Ghastlies into your busy schedule of charity quilting, classes, blogging and sew much more. I think upstate NY must have more hours in a day than eastern Long Island. Of course I'm a follower and an admirer. Please enter me in the drawing for some Ghastlie goodies... ;-> Toni Anne

  57. Sharon what wonderful Ghastlie's you do have. i love them all! And I think you should get a star for your very own Prudance she is adorable. Thank you so much for all your hard work...I cannot say which one I like better....Please enter me in your drawing and I am a follower.

  58. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I love your projects. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!

  59. What ghastly fun. You have created a movie set! What a lot of goodies!

  60. Oh Please sign me up for your fun giveaway. I really lke your take on the Ghastlies, especially the lovely little girl and her cat. What great skill you haave.

  61. I would LOVE to be included in your giveaway! and your bedroom collection of Ghastlie items is fabulous - so much fun and very well executed. This is really making me want to pull out what little Ghastlies I have stashed away and start making something!

  62. Great projects! I would love to get a chance at the giveaway!

  63. Wow you got a lot of projects done, and wonderful fun projects at that! I would love to be included in the drawing to win.

  64. What a fun post...going up the stairs was not easy but I was following YOU! Thanks for the SCARY adventure! ♥

  65. It would be sew wonderful to win. Add me to your list.
    Such cute ideas.
    Thanks for sharing.

  66. Ms Sharon...this makes me want to come visit you! Ghreat job!

  67. Oh my my my.... your room is Anything but is Ghastlie.... filled with great projects and wonderful ideas. I can't wait to get my hands on that fabric

  68. Sharon! The dolls you created are so GHASTLIE fun! How creative the entire collection is for a ghastlie little girl! Great fun!...yes, great fun indeed!

  69. Another over achiever! You went all out. I'm glad you have some leftovers for us to win.

  70. great use of those wonderful fabric

  71. Love all your pieces, especially Sebastian! Would love a chance to win!

  72. What wonderful Ghastly creations! You are so talented. I'd love the opportunity to enter your great giveaway :)

  73. Love your scary Ghastlie room and all of your creations! Too cool!! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. You can tell lots of thought went into each and every project. I would LOVE LOVE to be entered in your giveaway. I do love me some Ghastlies!

  74. My goodness!!! You have certainly been busy. Not only do your projects display your amazing creativity but so does your post writing. I am uber impressed. I especially adore the Prudence doll. She is too cute!! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing work with us and for the amazing giveaway which I would love to be entered in. I am so enjoying this Blog Hop.

  75. I love your Ghastlie bedding! So cute and just ready for Halloween!!!

  76. You amaze me constantly - and I love all of your creations - could not pick one - You Is Creative! Ms. Sharon Ghastlie. Aren't we all great? JudyC Ghastlie

  77. LOVE that cat!! And my grand daughter would love the diary! Please enter me in the drawing!

  78. Very creative! I absolutely love the Sebastian doll, and Pru is pretty cute too! Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  79. And poor Prudence still thinks she need a hammer, with such a beautiful room??? Love it all. Would love to give your extras a new home. Thank you so much for sharing.

  80. I'd love a room all made up of Ghastlies--great idea!

  81. Poor little Prudence. Everyone just doesn't understand she's really a good little girl. I'm SURE she is only returning that hammer to the place in which it belongs. The self portrait picture is my favorite but, that adorable cat you have made is very cool as well.

    You've outdone yourself in making all those ghastlie projects.

    While you didn't make it a requirement, I am already a follower of your blog. I would LOVE to be entered into your drawing. Thank you so much.

  82. I absolutely loved the ghastlie things. So gruesome and so sweet. Yes, please throw my witches hat into the drawing. Thank you for sharing.

  83. I am really enjoying seeing all of the Ghastlie projects. Great ideas! Please enter my name too.

  84. Very cute..Love all the Ghastlie projects...Please enter my name too

  85. Great post. That first bed scene is ghastlie! I think my favorite is the cat, though. Very cute. Include me in your giveaway please, and thanks so much.

  86. What a great ghastlie post! Love all your projects and creations.

  87. OMGGGGG's!! 'over the top' display of Ghastlie definitely had a bad case of that Ghastlie flu Mme Samm Ghastlie warned us about. Great job Sistah!....luv all your projects!

  88. WOW - you've been so busy!!! Love the cat! and the quilt! and the pillows..... love it all! GREAT JOB!!

    Hugs ~~ Ms. Suz Ghastlie

  89. The tissue box cover is great! As is the cat and doll. Thanks for some great ideas.

  90. Oh Sharon, you have out done yourself!! I love all the projects you have made, esp that raskily cat!! I love that you focused on Prudence too. Great job!!! I would love to be in your giveaway too.

  91. I would love to be entered into your drawing, thank you!
    You have done an amazing amount of work. I like idea of the extra soft minky fabric on the back of your quilt. And Prudence is my favorite family member. Her self portrait piece is great!

  92. What a perfectly Ghastlie room :) Wonderful projects and I would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for sharing.

  93. Oh my, you were busy! I love all your projects. The dolls are fantastic and I am in love with the tissue box cover!

    Please enter me in your give away, I just love the ghastlies!

  94. Oh everything looks adorable!! Nice decorating..I would love to be in on your draw..thank you

  95. OMGosh! you HAVE been busy makeing such WONDER-FULL "ghastlie" things! I am a devoted follower...because your blog is ALWAYS fun! I will "bow" out of the contest...but, great giveaway =)


  96. Fun stuff! Love the stuffed Prudencen and black cat!

  97. Fabulous! You've gone all out on making a perfectly Ghastlie place for Prudence. How about those dolls - clever you to make your own Prudence and Sebastian. Love it! Thanks for sharing your brilliant projects, my Ghastlie sistah. I'm sew inspired!

  98. Wow Sharon, you really were inspired. I love everything, especially the tissue box cover and Prudence and Sabastian.

  99. Prudence is great! I would have never thought of a doll from this. I am enjoying all the great projects. BTW - The runner is cute - Pull my name out of the hat :)

  100. Wow Sharon what a super job I just loved the whole idea along with the little poem. There are so many creative people out in blog land. I would love to win some fabric to see what I could do with it. Blessing Sandra

  101. Oh, I cannot get over that Sebastian! Will have to think about making one of my own.

    Love that you used the pink and the minky to make such coziness for Prudence. She is delightful.

    I would love to win some Ghastlies of my own, and feel sure I could find a finish for your start.

  102. What cute projects. Would love to win your giveaway. I don't have any Ghastlies fabric yet. Don't live close to any fabric stores so will have to order from internet if I don't win.

  103. I love your room decorations, they are so fun and unique. I definitely love the kitty you made, really nice idea.


  104. so many amazing projects in one place! I love the pink stripes in your quilt and I'm trying to figure out how you made the dolls--they're fabulous!

  105. So much to love... your quilt with those amazing pink stripes, dear Prudence and her portrait, but what I absolutely must copy is your tissue cover. Oh so ghastlie: )

  106. Lovely ghastlie room with so many great ghastlie creations , great job! I'd love to be in on the draw and thanks for the chance.

  107. Thanks for such great inspiration! i love it - please put my name in the witches hat :)

  108. I would absolutely love to be in your drawing. Thanks.

  109. Get room for all those ghastlie goodies! Love the little wallhanging!

  110. I would LOVE to be included in your Giveaway! And, by the way, thank you for including treats for us Hoppers! That is very generous of you!
    I am now converted and will have to become a Ghastlie Sistah myself! You gals are so creative!
    Love each and EVERY one of your designs!

  111. I love all your projects and the staged room just looks fantastically scary! brilliant!!

  112. Cute stuff! Very Ghastlie!

  113. I'd love to be included in the drawing. thanks for sharing your fun projects! And I still adore that the Ghastlie girl shares the same name as my sweet but insane dog!

  114. Don't get me wrong your work is wonderful but your presentation is downright Ghastlie. What a wonderfully creative mind. Love your cat he is the best. Thanks so much for sharing. Ms Selina Ghastlie

  115. Love all of your projects- especially Sabastian and Prudence! I would love to be entered in your giveaway as well!

  116. Lovely projects! Prudence is my fav

  117. Well done. Well done. Prudence is just ghastly. Oh, I'm got my Prudence baking in the oven, better go get her....

  118. Please enter me into your giveaway. Your decor is Ghastlie amazing and just ghastly fun to see. Also, I already follow your blog. Thanks for sharing your projects and all the work you've accomplished.

  119. I love all the ghastlie items you made. I can't decide which is my favorite-cat, doll or quilt. Wonderful giveaway too! HOpe I win!

  120. I can't believe how many Ghastly creations you were able to make. I love that the journal cover is removable. I hope that you will share a tutorial.
    Thank you for the link for the witch hat hanger. I've seen so many wonderful projects during the blog hop that I need some Ghastly fabric of my own.

  121. Oh, my Ghastlie have the sickness bad! Your projects are amazing! I love that you have a whole room to put them all charming! Love your unfinished bit too...I would give it such a good home!! Ms. Loralynn Ghastlie

  122. I'd been waiting eagerly to see what you would do. You didn't disappoint. Cute story line too and Prudence and Sylvester are darling if I dare called a Ghastlie, darling. So fun. Thanks.

  123. Dear Mrs Sharon Ghastly,
    Wow You are truly an over achiever ! So many projects with the Ghastly fabric. Couldn't chose a favorite, but the doll is certainly on the top of my list. Wow! Thanks for sharing, I love following your blog.
    maggie in Maine
    (I know Scoharie area, I thinking your getting some snow before us) good time to sew right?

  124. GHASTLIE AMAZING!!!! I can't stop giggling! I love it all!!!

  125. Sharon,

    You have been so busy as usual. Love all your goodies! Count me in!


  126. Thank you, I'd love to be part of your giveaway.
    TALENT is just oozing out of you and all your Ghastlie sistahs. Not only do you sew and quilt but you're a poet to boot!
    This is such a fun blog hop though I'm a bit concerned about catching the flu-the ghastlie flu.

  127. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, what is that I spy? You have the bat and spider fabrics!!! I have not found those ... yet!
    You've done a lot with your Ghastlie fabrics! Very cool! Oh, and yes, I would never turn down fabrics if I were to win! :)

  128. WOW a whole Ghastlie room collection. You sure went all out and I love ever piece. Great work!

  129. Oh please enter me. I love your Ghastlie themed room. That Sebastian is just into everything isn't he? I hope that isn't why Prudence has that hammer...

  130. Oh My Goodness, Sharon! You made lots of really cute things for this. Great job! Please enter me for the rulers.

  131. Wow you have been so busy! Looks so cute.

  132. I love all your ghastlie projects. That witch's hat hanger is really cute too.

  133. Would much appreciate being added to the giveaway and its so kind of you to offer it internationally. I really love the tissue cover box and what a great room...will be following you in the future

  134. Fantastic ideas! I love the table runner/window treatment. Please enter me!

  135. My Lord, you have been busy! Prudence is a troublesome child, but love how you've honored her here. The stripe quilt is fantastic, and yes, enter me in your drawing!

  136. Please enter me in the giveaway. You can add home decorating to your reportoire of talents. Cheers, Dianne

  137. All of your creations are lovely!

  138. hi, I'ld love to jump into the witch's hat to have a chance to win. greetings Brigitte

  139. Now that is just the best Ghastlie room I have ever seen, and truely scary to stay in I'm sure. Fabulous job Ms Sharon Ghastlie! Fabulous job!!

  140. You are so wonderful!! Look at all thos great things. I lobe everything. But the doll and the cat are my favorites!! I would love to be in your drawing to win your extra goodies!!

  141. Wow,what a Ghastlie bedroom! A bit distubing but I like it! Please enter me in your drawing.

  142. I love all the ghastlie creations you have made and am really hoping that maybe I will be picked as the prize winner. I would love to have some ghastlie fun. I am having a wonderful time visiting all of you talented ladies Thank you for sharing I am a new follower and look forward to your many new creations

  143. WOW! I love the little doll you made to look just like the little girl. Great job!

  144. How much fun is this!!! I missed a lot with my grandsons being here!!!! Great projects Sharon.

  145. Wow!! You've been a busy sistah. Please enter me in your giveaway! I love all your projects! Thanks for the chance to win and all your hard work!

  146. This room is sooo Ghastlie! and way tooo cute! This hop is so darn fun! I would like to win your giveaway. Thank you.

  147. Oh Sharon, I want a room where everything matches too!! I am just aghast with all your lovely projects!! This Ghastlie Blog Hop is just too much fun!!!

    Huggs, Nancy

    Oh yes, I am following you too!!

  148. I love all of the things you decided to make with this cute fabric. Thank you for sharing your projects!

  149. Sharon :) Your work is Ghastlie! Just Ghastlie!! lol ... you did so much at it all looks wonderful! Great Job and thank you for sharing!

  150. Thank you for sharing all of your great projects. I love the witche's hat hanger. Thanks for the info on it.

  151. Nice job!So much variety and skill,luv it all!

  152. You have done a great job with the room you decorated. It is just amazing. I'd love to be in the drawing that you are doing next week. Thank you for the opportunity.

  153. Thank you for participating in the best Ghastlie party ever! Your creations are beyond fabulous. Prudence and Sebastian are my favorites you made! On all the hopping I have done I have never seen two items alike...incredible! Please include me in your generous drawing as I have certainly caught this Ghastlie Flu...

  154. Your Ghastlie collection is sew creative, I am in awe. Thanks for a chance.

  155. Wow! What a wonderfully ghastlie collection. You've been very busy!

  156. LOL What a wonderful ghastly group. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  157. Wow! Never thought of doing a whole room in Ghastlie fabric. It was amazing and I love the reverse side as well. You did a great job!

  158. wow Sharon - great collection and really great display - I'm with you on your love for Prudence. A very generous giveaway which I'd love to enter and I especially love your closing thought - lol

  159. What a Ghastlie room! I enjoyed seeing all your wonderful things You've had a Ghastlie good time, haven't you?

  160. How I would love a ghastlie tissue box cover for when someone in the house is feeling ghastlie! I laughed when I saw that.

    And, of course I would love to win the giveaway! Who wouldn't?!!

  161. That is one ghastly parlor you've got there! Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you for sharing the poem; I had never heard more than the first line. It is quite charming, in a ghastly sort of way.

  162. If you have to go away, and Prudence needs a sitter, I would LOVE to come and sit--as long as I can sleep in her room. WOW. I went from picture to picture and back again, afraid I had missed something. Ghastlie and Ghorgeous too!

  163. You went all out ! I love it ! ok ; so you are very very artistic !
    thanks for the chance of winning !

  164. This ghastlie group gives me the giggles.

  165. Darling things! Love the black and white with pink. Such a great combination. Thanks for the opportunity to win the giveaway. Have a great day

  166. Talent, talent, talent. Put my name in for your drawing.

  167. Your ghastly projects are wonderful - thanks for sharing!

  168. You are so creative. Wow, that was alot of work. Thanks for sharing! Great job!
    CJ in NC

  169. Wow! Lots of work and it looks great. Thanks for sharing:0)

  170. Wow, another fantastic blog!

    You are very creative.

    Thank you for sharing!

    Have a nice evening!


  171. This fun table runner would look great on my table! Count me in for the drawing.

  172. I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

  173. Fabulous projects!!I LOVE Sabastian even if your furbabies don't. I'd LOVE to be entered in your giveaway!!

  174. So ghastlie girls have had so much fun! I have had fun, too, drooling over all these goodies!I would love to win your table runner/window treatment and the fabric!

  175. Love your blog. I'd love to win your delightful giveaway. Love your ideas and great blog

  176. Love your ghastlie projects!
    Thank You for sharing.

  177. Fabulous! The tissue box is my favorite. So cute! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!

  178. How clever are your projects! I really like the portrait of Prudence. Looks like once you got started it was hard to stop. hehe. You are so creative and inspiring. Thanks for sharing all your projects.

    Please enter me for the giveaway and a chance to win.


  179. marvelous decor enhancing this ghlamorous room for a ghastlie little ghirl! nice projects, ghreat ideas. thanx for putting up such a nice prize ... and for the opportunity to win it.

  180. Love your projects especially Prudence! My best friend growing up was named Prudence.

  181. What a wonderful, creative room! I love your giveaway and would love to be in the drawing! Thank you so much for all you shared!

  182. Oh my goodness, I don't know which project I love the most! I think it might be the babushka dolls!

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your awesome giveaway, it's my birthday so maybe I'll get lucky!


  183. wow you have been BUSY I love what you've made with this ghastly fabric and definitely would like to be included in your drawing - thanks!

  184. Wonderful ghastlie suite. You are so creative. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  185. What a cute room! Very imaginative. Yes, please enter me in the drawing for the unfinished table runner and extra cloth! Thank you for the fun party!

  186. How very Ghastlie of a room you had to share and how very busy you have been. Please enter me in your contest I would love to win just a little bit of the fabric to play with. Your projects are spectacular.

  187. Oh my goodness, Sharon, you did a wonderful job! Just the thought you put into it...amazing!!

    No entry for me as I am sure you guessed, but I just had to comment on your amazing job. You really had fun with this one, didn't you?

  188. What a great room! Everything is lovely. Thanks for the inspiration.

    I would love to be added to the drawing. Thanks so much!

  189. Your stuffies - can one call them that? - are prizeless! Thanks so much for entering me in the giveaway.

  190. Such great, creative projects - love the notebook cover, tissue box cover, and those dots on everything!! Please put me in your drawing!

  191. Love the quilt. Wonderful ghastlie room. Thanks for the inspiration.

  192. What lovely creations you have made. I really love love the cat and doll you made. I would be so lucky to win your left over fabric.

  193. Love what you did with your Ghastlies! I would appreciate having a chance to win your giveaway. Thanks so much.

  194. Such great projects. you've been busy! I'd love to be entered into your drawing!

  195. I love all your great projects and so versatile/practical! I would love to be in your giveaway...thanks for the chance to win :)

  196. My goodness, Sharon, how GHASTLIE!!! I love it all!! Whoop whoop!!!
