
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blue Skies

Sapphire is the modern September birthstone and the gem designated for the 5th, 23rd and 45th wedding anniversary; a star sapphire is typically given on the 65th wedding anniversary

Named after the Greek word "sapphirus", meaning blue, Sapphires have long been a favorite among priests and kings, who considered them symbolic of wisdom and purity. In ancient times, Sapphires were thought to be protective against envy, and even against poisoning. Ancient civilizations believed that the world was set upon an enormous sapphire, which painted the sky blue with its reflection.

So fitting, as we finally saw some blue sky the last couple of days - a ray of hope upon our weary community as flood clean up still goes on.


My dear sweet blogging friend Tonya sent me a surprise package. First out of the mailer was this wonderful pet blanket for poor Bella who has been so traumatized with the flood, noise, and smells (oh it is really starting to smell from the debrie). Some catnip, her toys, and new blanket - I have her down off the Fridge and to the table - I would normally scold her for being there, but she has been ill with all this worry.

And I saw this (and the blanket) on her blog and never suspected it was coming to my house to live. I just fell in love with this Smore's fabric Tonya used for a project back when we did the 'May For Me'. Look, I have my own Smore's pillowcase! Thank you so much for your gifts to Bella and me.


I finished the second quilt for our local flood victims project. The other was finished up on the Christmas Quilt Along on Saturday. These will be delivered today at our LQS The QuiltBug and Kate has so generously added this donation site as part of the 100 Quilts for Kids. If you can't send a quilt, consider a flimsie (lone quilt top unfinished) as there are people willing to finish them up - yes, I'm on that list.


The squared up project had it's next two rows added. Now I need to get the 'boxed' 9-patch rows on and consider whether I want to add a border or call it done. A muslin back I think, and because it will be a large quilt I will send it to be long armed.


You may have noticed I have some new buttons on the side bar:

Crumb Quilt Along
Quilt Uber-Fest
Fat Quarter Stars Quilt Along

Just click on the buttons to take you to the sites for information.


Maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September’s breeze,
A Sapphire on her brow should bind;
To bring her joy and peace of mind.
- Gregorian calendar

Sewingly Yours


  1. what a lovely blogging friend thinking of you and Bella and what beautiful quilts there Sharon,well done

  2. Oh, sharon - what a nice post!! That was so cool of Tonya to send goodies for Bella and a Smores pillowcase for you!! What a grand mailbox surprise!! I love your charity quilt - some lucky ducky is going to be pretty happy!! And squared up is lookin' good!! Kris

  3. How lovely of Tonya to send gifts for both of you. I hope Bella is beginning to recover now?

  4. What a wonderful package you received from Tonya. Not everybody thinks about the poor pets affected by all that flooding.
    Your quilt will be well loved by some child. And your squared up quilt is amazing.

  5. Such thoughtful gifts for you and Bella from Tonya. Poor Bella.
    Your sweet charity quilt will be cherished by a little child. Love Squared Up! Great job on both.
    Did not knew those beautiful sapphire stone facts.

  6. I love Sapphires. Well, probably because they are blue. Glad that you and Bella both like your gifts. I have a flimsie from my sis. I may send it along to you. Would you like it?

  7. That was very nice of my sis to send you those things! :)
    And I really like the squared up quilt.

  8. What a beautiful stone....hmmm I wasn't born in September although both my kids were, I've missed the 23rd and 45th anniversary. I guess that means I have to wait for the 65th Wedding Anniversay. I'll tell Big Mick to start saving his money.

  9. What a wonderful blog friend! I hope you and your community recover quickly from the floods.

  10. I am glad your kitty got some blogging-friend love. She looks like she is resting well. Your bow-tie quilt is so cool. I am sure who ever gets it will love it. Keeping you in my thoughts!

  11. How nice of Tonya to send those along. I smiled when I saw that you have a smores pillowcase. Sounds like that brightened your day.

    I'm so glad that your area was added to the 100 quilts for kids. That's where mine is going!

  12. I can hardly stop looking at your Squared Up quilt. It's gorgeous - just love it!

  13. Aww, I love seeing sweet Bella cuddled up on her blankie! Tonya is a sweetheart, isn't she?! Wonder what you will dream about on your smores pillowcase? LOL
    (Love both the bow tie and the squared up quilts -- they're lovely!
