
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Fair with Gen-X

It's time to celebrate the County Fairs of Summer with Gen X Quilters'
Summer Fair: A Quilt and Recipe Show! Be sure to visit here to enjoy all the entries.


This is a pattern from Red Rooster's free pattern web page. Called 'Country Cousins' I thought it was a wonderful representaion of country fairs.

I drew strictly from my scraps and stash. It is hand quilted and tied. My first yo-yo's here, too - for the bird house holes - first applique in the corner heart settings.

This was one of my earlier quilts - today I would do some 3-D with the aprons and some thread painting of the hair. But, my love of buttons shows in this quilt.

Even the chickens would have a little more whimsy if I did this quilt today. But I love them in their simplicity anyway.

And even from the beginning, I loved to piece my backs.


My favorite food at a country fair is the Fried Dough. But I would like to share my recipe for Funnel Cakes that can be made at home.

Funnel Cakes
1 1/4 cup allpurpose flour
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg
3/4 cup milk

Combine dry ingredients in large bowl. Add eggs and milk. Beat mixture until smooth. Heat 1/4 inch vegetable oil to 375°F in a skillet.
Cover bottom opening of a funnel with your finger. A funnel with at least a 3/8 inch opening works best. Pour 1/4 cup batter into funnel. Hold the funnel over the center of the skillet. Remove finger from funnel end to release the batter into the hot oil. Move funnel in a slow circular motion to form a spiral or other design (option - use a gravy boat to pour batter). Fry two minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Drain on paper towels.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon and sugar. Or serve hot with syrup or fruit.

Or how about some fun Funnel Stix - can control the amount of calories and the kids just love them.

Or, turn them into a fancy dessert for a special dinner or picnic fair.

Thank you for joining me and please go visit the other entries in the Gen-X Summer Fair event.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love your quilt, front and back. Fall festivals find me eating yummy funnel cakes and looking at quilts. Thanks for sharing your recipe :p

  2. Love that quilt! I have it in my "to do" file, along with 100s of others so whether it will ever get done I don't know. Now I have seen yours though, I want to get on with it. Linda

  3. love your quilt Sharon and thankyou for the recipes they look so yummy

  4. I love your quilt. It's interesting how we change isn't it? Now you would do some things differently. Have you ever thought of doing the same pattern again now? (Now I'd better duck as you throw something at me)

  5. Can't decide which I like best..the quilt or the goodies....thank goodness I can have both!.. well, the goodie anyway..

  6. Love your quil,from and back are beautiful and don´t know which I love more.

    Your recipe looks yummi,thanks for sharing.I love cook and try new recipes.

  7. The quilt is really cute. Wonder how many weight watchers points to count for those funnel cakes?? :)☺

  8. How fun! Your quilt is wonderful!

  9. I really like your quilt - it is whimisical and fun. Like you, not a fair unless you have funnel cake and even with light powdered sugar, you need to wear light color clothing. I actually plan that. Thanks for this wondereful recipe. Judy C

  10. My sons thank you for the funnel cake recipe. Love the quilt. Wilson County Fair is in Aug. 12-20. Can't wait to see all the quilts.

  11. Sharon I love your quilt and it truly is perfect for a county fair. I can't believe I never even thought about making funnel cakes at home! I have three grandchildren coming to see me in a couple of weeks and I think we might have to try these together. blessings, marlene

  12. You have always been good at quilting I am thinking after looking at that! I refuse to look at the recipe....

  13. That quilt is so sweet. Love it!! I also love funnel cakes.I can't wait to use that recipe. So cool!!

  14. Such a cute quilt, I loveee your work!
    I just blogged about the sunshine fair and my first fair experience in the states. Tried the fried dough too. hmmmm I am hoping that your recipe is better! haaa

  15. You are right! Your entry so perfectly captures a Fair! Great quilt and those funnel cakes. Yum! Thanks for sharing with us at Summer Fair! AnneMarie

  16. Your quilt is lovely and the funnel cakes make me feel like I am really at the fair!

  17. Thank you for sharing the link to the pattern as this little farm quilt is sooooo adorable. Looks like it would be a fun one to make and that it could be a good scrap buster as well!!

  18. Thank you for including the pattern as I just fell in love with this quilt. It not only looks fun to make but that it would be a good scrap buster!!
