
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Round To It

That old expression - 'When I get round to it'. Well half the year is gone, so getting round to it needs to be replaced with 'get it done'. Where did the time go? It called for urgency to re-organize, re-do lists, and put all those little ducks in a row.


I finished the next block for the 12 of Hearts BOM on Raspberry Rabbits. I need to decide what fabrics I want to use for this and start to building these blocks. I like this FQ and may find something that works with it.

And the next block for Clover and Violet's stitch and quilt along is done. All the base blocks are done on this, so it's just waiting for each stitchery to add.


So many asked about the Cookie Crumbs quilts, that I promised a tutorial, so I am using it for my SQUARED UP section. Also, Linda over at eatsleepquilt has a segment on making fabric with scraps that works well with this.

This is just a small portion of my scraps - I know, just awful! But I like to work this way, just dump and rummage. More fun with this project is if you have some little ones to help. I like to dump onto the middle of the floor and let my grandson pick out the 'goodies' - kids see colors so differently then we do.

First we need some 'skinnies'. I already had seperated some and had them in a bag to keep them from knotting and raveling until use. Colors and fun prints, sections fussied from a section - anything goes. Anyone who likes to control their work probably has the shivers now.

Then we need the 'crumbs'. Probably you don't keep this small, but I don't throw out - obviously! This is where those little eyes and fingers really help - look for those hidden treasures.

Just sew those bits along your strips, take to the ironing board and press out, then snip them apart. Now you have some new 'crumbs' to play with. And as you can see, there are many different shapes which adds to the fun of this.

Just keep adding your crumbs to strips, round and round - no real method - until they are large enough to cut a square from. The size is up to you, but I wouldn't go over 6.5" as you lose the whole fun of the blocks when they get too big. I like to use 3.5" or 4.5" which makes these blocks work up very quickly.

Another method is to use those left over triangles - I have a special container for them. Use just as is, make HST's, or do up some pinwheels. Again keep them small and add some of those skinny strips to add to color and design.

Another type of block - skinnies. Just keep sewing them in rows. Again having a little one pick the colors and patterns adds to the fun of these blocks.

I make the skinnies a little longer/larger than needed and then trim to size - save those extras for your next starter crumbs! You keep the straight, cut on an angle - you can see some were short, so I just added a piece to them - anything goes. Let go of that controll rein!

How about some paper piece blocks to use those small scraps. These were actually pulled from my Orphan box - I have a tendancy to make more than one, have an extra on hand or to use to make up a quick card. But I also print one or two extra, so I have a quick source for a fun project.


Here is the Cookie Crumbs quilt. And since I have a pile of 100 blocks now - yes, that many I played with while making up this tutorial - I need to get rid of them. I have plenty of crumb quilts in the shop, so I am giving these blocks away - with maybe a few other goodies. So if you would like 100 (4.5") crumb blocks to start you on your way to a Cookie Crumbs quilt of your own - just let me know in the comments. I will pull a name on Sunday July 24th.


Hope you are planning to play with us on Saturday, July 23 at the Crafters Campfire. Gather those traveling or camping crafts, a yummy recipe - Mr. Linky will be available so we can all share.


The only way round, is through.
Robert Frost

Sewingly Yours,


  1. another lovely post Sharon

  2. Getting a round to it...clever....your blocks in particular the heart one...lovely...
    you have no idle getting round to it must have a difft meaning....yes lol

  3. Been "getting 'round to it" for a long time. LoL - just wondering where I put it all. Lovely little blocks - that is what I call doing little stash busting. Judy C

  4. Love your string blocks - can't believe you whipped out 100 of them already. You really do get round to it!

  5. Your two stitchery blocks are beautiful! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial on the Cookie Crumb blocks. It just shows that no scrap is too small :)

  6. I have been gathering up crumbs lately to attempt a mini quilt with tiny blocks! I have no where near enough yet! I love, love your method of using up these crumbs! I am amazed you made up 100 blocks already! So inspiring!!

  7. Thanks for sharing some great ways to use up scraps. I keep very few scraps. I am hanging on to a few for EPP now, but most go to an online friend. She has MS and doesn't get to leave the house, so she says when I send a box of scraps it is like going to a fabric shop.

  8. Hi Sharon
    really nice tutorial :)
    I would like to have some of your Cookie crumbs to start my own little quilt
    Have a nice sewing day

  9. I'd love the cookie crumb blocks. What fun!

  10. I've never heard of cook crumb blocks! What fun. Those would sew up quick for a new quilt!
    Thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts.

  11. I have lots of things here that I need to get around to! I love the cookie crumb idea, but please don't enter me in the drawing......I have enough scraps of my own to make a quilt. I just wanted to let you know how much I like it :-)

  12. I'd like to experiment with cookie crumbs! Thanks for the chance!

  13. I sure missed your blog while I was gone.. and come back to a give away.. I would be happy to become the owner of the blocks. What fun they would be..

    And I just love the scrappy quilt hanging on the line..!

  14. I havent tried a crumb quilt- i have been saving some small pieces lately

    thanks for the giveaway~

  15. The clover and violet block is sooooo sweet, I love that one. Thanks for the tutorial on the crumb block. I really do want to give that a try. Your cookie crumb quilt is so yummy!!!

  16. I love your crumb block quilt. I have several ideas of how I would use the crumb blocks. Thanks for a chance to win.

  17. Oh I'd love it if some crumbs fell my way. Thanks for the chance!! You do beautiful things with yours!

  18. Thanks to the tips to use scraps.Your crumbs blocks are beautiful.Thanks for the chance

  19. Thanks, I am so so willing to take the blocks from your hand!! Loves it!!

  20. Crumbs are the best part!! I would love them - thank you!!

  21. Oh how wonderful! What a great giveaway... I'm not throwing away anymore scraps!!

  22. What a great scrap busting idea! Thanks for the opportunity to win.=)

  23. I would like to have some of your Cookie crumbs to start my own stash. I'm fairly new to quilting and have very little fabric and thread. What an expensive hobby I have started, huh? Cutting mats, acrylic rulers, rotary cutters. My oh my. So yes, your crumbs would be awesome to get my stash on it's way. Thanks!

  24. I would like to have some of your Cookie crumbs to start my own stash. I'm fairly new to quilting and have very little fabric and thread. What an expensive hobby I have started, huh? Cutting mats, acrylic rulers, rotary cutters. My oh my. So yes, your crumbs would be awesome to get my stash on it's way. Thanks!

  25. A great idea! I love scrappy quilts, and this one certainly fits the bill! Thanks for offering a generous set of blocks as a giveaway!

  26. I love the cookie crumb idea. I am always looking for some ideas to use up my scraps and I have such a huge pile now. Thanks for the chance to win in your wonderful giveaway.

  27. I love cookie crumbs! Especially the fabric kind!

  28. Thanks for the idea to use up my scrap bin!!

  29. I would love your 'crumbs"!! thanks for the chance!

  30. I love cookies - even crumbs! Count me in. :)

  31. Thanks for the tutorial. I have some small scraps, both small strips and small pieces/crumbs ... enough to play a while and sew up some squares :)

  32. Interesting post Sharon, just goes to show that even the smallest scrap has a use , would love to win these blocks , thanks for the chance. Sheila

  33. Sharon, thanks for your helpful tutorial. I work with scraps but still find it hard to do it all naturally, but your method is sure to help me.
    I'd be thrilled to win your crumbs! What a generous offer for a lucky quilter.
    I always enjoy your blog.
    Thanks, Kathleen in CT

  34. Thanks for the wonderful Crumb tute! I've been playing with the Jelly Roll Race quilt lately & cutting my own strips from them, so have thrown the 'extras' into a bag. Now I have a better idea of how to 'crumb' them up!!
    Yes, please, may I have some of your crumbs too? :D

  35. What a great idea, I've never heard of crumb blocks. I'd love some of your crumbs. Thanks for being so generous! ;>

  36. Pick me!!! I'm jumping up and down waving......LOL.

  37. I LOVE Crumb Quilt Blocks! I've made two small crumb quilts myself, but would love your extras to make another! Thanks!

  38. I love your crumb blocks! Last Christmas I made (sigh...) 8 quilts for one family of relatives and 2 for another family -- and I did not get quilts done yet for my daughter and her family, who live in Sweden. She has just told me that if I make and mail tops she will finish them into quilts (!!!) and I would love to send her a top from the crumb blocks. I do appreciate your tutorial -- will make my own to add to them, or make all of them for a quilt for her. Thank you for taking the time to do the tutorial!

  39. I had never heard the term cookie crumb like this before. It seems crazy to arrange, but complete it's fabulous. I think most of the projects I work on are like this.

  40. This is the first time I've seen a tutorial on making fabric from crumbs that I could understand. Thanks for that. And thanks for a chance at the giveaway.

  41. i could do that! thanks for a great idea for scraps! :)

  42. Rummaging is definitely the best part! Thanks for a wonderful chance to win those blocks! What a wonderful scrap post : )

  43. What a fun idea- playing with someone else's blocks could be a great deal of fun.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a nice prize.

  44. Oooh, I love love love those cookie crumb blocks! And to get such a great start on one of those quilts would be amazing!! Throw my name in the hat for sure!

    And I love today's quote..... ;-)

  45. I would love those crumb blocks. They remind me of the way I started quilting, just trying to use up the scraps of fabric I had from regular sewing. I love to see how they can be so unplanned and yet so beautiful.

  46. Just put your campfire logo up with a link to your blog for a campfire chat on Saturday July 23rd and I will tweet it some too! It will be great Can't wait!

  47. how incredibly freeing making those blocks seem :)

  48. I love looking at crumb quilts. I keep telling myself that I should make one with all the bits I just hate to throw out but I never get around to it. If I'm lucky enough to win maybe it will give me the kick start I need. Or, I could just make a mini crumb quilt lol.

  49. These ideas look like fun. Your crumb quilt is so awesome! I think I will use some of these ideas for my scraps.

  50. I like the way you store your scraps! I've halfheartedly separated some of my scraps into ziploc bags by color, but I generally find myself rummaging through my to-be-sorted pile first. :D
