
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I'm sure many of you can relate to the heat causing a complete melt-down. I am seeing posts about computer melts, kid melts, and quilter's mojo melt with this heat wave. We really have had nice 70-80% weather here in the NorthEast(USA), but then jumped to the 90's and humid!! No time for adjustment and I am melting.

My post is earlier than normal because I have to have my Bloggers Festival post up about this time tomorrow. I want to thank all my followers and gosh - so many new followers. Just a HUGE thank you to you all.

I would like to have a shout out here instead of reminders. I have come across some new bloggers and it would be nice if you stopped by their blogs and gave them a little love - I appreciated bloggers who got me off the ground:

Natasha at Scraps-a-Plenty - she received one of the traveling stash boxes and is now ready to pass it on. BUT - she's one very talented quilter!

Corry at Southern Quilter - just love her header quilt - not telling, you have to go look.

Kat at Scrapbox Quilts - really new and I just love her blog name.

Tracy at Quilting Pieces - another just-new blogger.


Well - a little reminder - save that date. July 23rd for the Crafters Campfire. Share your favorite vacation and/or travel craft (doesn't have to be quilting) and your favorite camp or picnic recipe. Mr. Linky will be set up.

I saw this posted on Intrepid Threads - Summer Camp at The Quilted Fish. She plans on having this an annual July event. Go check it out.

This is my finished little quilt from the QU Bee quilt along on Sunday.

I received this wonderful package of goodies from Linda of Stray Stitches. We finally got paired up in a swap! The European Bread Basket Swap - and she tucked in such wonderful goodies - I thought it funny that we both sent teacup and teapot buttons! And I love the cute card she sent - first of it's kind for me. Thank you!!


This is actually a beginning for the next Modern Quilt Contest piece. I have wanted to make a grey quilt and just fell in love with the new line - Puttin' on the Ritz - oh, I love it!! This of course will be chopped up and combined with some other fabric for a whole new look. After all, the next challenge is 'Express Yourself' and you all know that's me!


I hope you can find some relief from the heat - I'm cooling off with some of these cold, sweet treats. AND remember - keep it fun :

Should the farmers feed their cows ice cubes, so they don't give powdered milk
... and feed their chickens ice chips, so they don't lay hard boiled eggs?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. great post Sharon and i love your bread basket gift and your quilt the greys look great,well done

  2. Love your post, Sharon! I can certainly relate to melting - the heat index was 116 here today! Whew!! But I've still got my quilting mojo - good thing, because I've got lots of flimsies to quilt, thanks to you!

  3. Another wonderful post, Sharon. I'm so glad we were swap partners this time around. Great minds think alike (the buttons) - lol!
    The grey quilt is quite lovely - I can't imagine what you will be doing to it.
    LOL at your closing about the cows and the chickens. Stay cool if you can :)

  4. I love the grey!

    It was 104 today, I don't even want to know what the index was!

  5. always lots to look at and read about on your blog..... lovely... I came to see the bread baskets... a lovely one you made and also a lovely one you received...

  6. LoVe your basket from Linda and how funny to both give was just fate that you swapped this time. I'm happy that you played along! :)

  7. I have visited and joined the four blogs you recommended. I agree, always nice to help out new bloggers!

    Grins about you and Linda. You must be to peas in a pod.

    I wanna see your modern quilt so badly..get it done already. Just kidding. I don't know of anyone who gets more projects done than you!

  8. I saw that a few degrees were packing up their heat and moving your direction...hope you weather it okay...keep sipping cool liquids, thinking cool thoughts, and sewing with cool fabric....

  9. Ohh gosh can I identify..I have not been out for days,thinking I will just be a puddle someone will mistake for scraps lol...stay cool..and yes pops help lol

  10. Here in NC we have already melted!!! Staying inside and keeping busy - gotta try to catch up so I have something new to share. You are always so ahead of me. Lovely post. Judy C inNC

  11. Record high temperatures in NC this week. I feel sorry for people without AC and those that work outside.
    I saw the gray fabric collection, Puttin of the Ritz, by Moda and wondered how it would look in a quilt. Thank you for posting a picture.
    Good one about the cows and the chickens :D

  12. So hot in NC,but what are you gonna do---A/C every chance you get!!

    Love the grey quilt you are working on:)

  13. Hot? We're actually having a "cool" summer-only 100 and not a degree over which is a change from most years!

    Can't wait to see what you do with those wonderful greys!

  14. A completely grey quilt. What an idea!! I hope we get to see yours soon. Keep cool!

  15. Loved your melting rainbow for the heat. It's been so steamy here too!

    Love your grey quilt! Whoop!

  16. It's cold here in the SF Bay area! Send us some of your heat and we'll send you a cooling fog!

  17. I checked out the links in your post. Great blogs! Thanks for sharing!
    P.S. It's hot as blazes here too!
