
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Playing Jacks

Do you remember the game "Jacks"? Bouncing the ball and collecting the number of Jacks. I have an old set that is wood and then an old metal one - ouch if you got aggressive with the game or if someone forgot to pick all the Jacks up and you stepped on one. Love the pretty colored plastic ones.

I've been playing Jacks in my quilting. Trying to bounce the ball high enough to get all the required numbers. But that's not a fun game to play - and I like my FUN. I purposely cut my required numbers down for June. Some new FUN came along with bloggers having quilt alongs, etc... BUT we need to set our limits We need to remember the FUN.

I even took Monday completely OFF - finally a day with no rain! And played all day outside in all the glorious flower beds. Slowly enjoying each bed and each flower. And Wednesday I shopped for ME. I needed new shoes - which is a venture. But luckily the second pair was perfect, never have had that kind of luck - even got a pair of sandals. AND, I went to the hairdresser for a wash, cut, and style. YES, I took the time to breath!

I found this little quilt top when going thru my UFO's and flimsies (pieced quilt tops) to see what I wanted to finish and to realistically decide they need to move on to another 'home' (Sarah - a box is on the way). I probably did this paper pieced water lily pattern 3-4 yrs. ago. All scraps of blue little florals. I found a scrap piece for the back (blue floral) and enough of a blue floral scrap binding. It was windy and I had trouble getting the quilt to 'stay put'. When I turned to get the camera set and then back, sneaky got into the act - so I let her pose.

When I need to 'breath' I find playing in my scraps helps - remembering projects they came from or maybe another quilter donated the fabric and I think of their project. A bit of SQUARED UP this time with 3.5" squares that I pulled from the barrel - added a few fresh reds, but plenty there. Sewing them as 'twosies' right now with more to come.

And stitchery relaxes me. This is the second block for the Clover & Violet stitch and quilt along. I opted to use just the single large butterfly and added some playful little button flowers. Love my buttons.

My 4th of July piece is coming slowly. Just enjoying a section or just a strand stitched. There will be plenty of time and I can enjoy this little wallhanging thru July.

And I am taking more time to work with my cross stitch - my true love. Seeing my Dad's old pencil and color wash piece made me give a try at accomplishing this affect in my new piece.


Old proverb:
'All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy'

Remember to set realistic limits, slow down, don't bounce your ball too high or try to grab too many Jacks. Take time to breath. Remember to have FUN.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh, Sharon - What a fun, fun post!!! Oh, man, I LOVED playing jacks (the metal ones - LOL!!) and you brought back some really good memories of the good ol' days!!! I agree with you soooooooooo much - it seems like when I am forced to do some quilting or piecing or have a deadline I don't enjoy my favorite sport quite as much!! So, I am with you!! And I am so glad you took some time for yourself!!! All your current projects are great!!! Kris

  2. So True Sharon and well done taking a me day.

  3. What a helpful sneaky kitty! I love the blues. So pretty.

  4. Words to live by. I'm trying to bounce the ball too high, and trying to pick up too many jacks at once. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. I can remember playing jacks when I was young, can you still get them?? Love your blue quilt. Linda

  6. I enjoyed this post, thanks - it made me stop and think. You're right, sometimes we're so busy achieving that we forget to have fun.

    I played with the metal jacks as a kid, and I can still remember sitting in a hot playground, in the sun (in Australia) playing.

  7. Small challenges and uncomplicated projects - a summer way of life. Good for you!!! I'll be taking some of this advice. Judy C in NC

  8. You are so right! I've been at that saturation point for a while now and it leaves me feeling like I'm much busier than I actually am! I'm so ready to just have fun and play with my quilting!!!

  9. Sharon, this was a great, much-needed post for me! Seems we need to be reminded to slow down sometimes. Love your blue floral finish....that one is so pretty and I love your helper there!
    Jacque in SC

  10. I remember playing jacks at recess and on my front porch...when I was in elementry school. I started using one of my dad's golf balls. Of course, I had to find a ball...that DIDN"T come with the game...that would bounce higher.

    But, your REALLY good words of wisdom and the end of your one that I really NEED to listen to.

    I always look forward to reading your posts!


  11. Oh yessss. I fondly remember jacks :)
    You're right. We should remember not to push ourselves so. Glad you took some time for yourself.
    I look forward to seeing your needle, thread and fabric projects progress. You are so talented. Take your time. I'm not going anywhere. lol.

  12. Glad you took a day to play. I'm with Annie. I played jacks with a golf ball myself.....good memories. I wish I could still find the old heavy jacks. Maybe I would try again. Mick could always help me get up once I was down............grin.

  13. Thanks for the advice, I did take some time off of quilting, but I have been feeling guilty for not going into the room, this post reminded me that it is okay to stop and breath and enjoy other wonderful things in life.
    Love that your adorable cat needed to be involved in the photo-op.

  14. Jacks was my favorite game as a little girl, probably because I was so awfully unathletic that I was always picked last in any game that required running or throwing! But my fine motor skills were excellent and I excelled at Jacks. :) I enjoyed your post and envy you finding shoes - I tried last week and was unsuccessful. blessings, marlene

  15. Oh, yes! The dexterity and swiftness needed! Playing the jacks as they landed, trying to pick up just the correct #....and holding them all in your hands at once....

  16. I seem to be juggling jacks too lately so I'm trying not to start anything until I've caught up a bit. I need to do some items for me too.
    Love your 'poser' and the positioning and alternate colour is just right to complement the quilt :P.

  17. Great post, Sharon! You are so right about taking time out to relax so quilting stays fun. By the way, the box arrived yesterday - what a blessing!! I'll be emailing you later...

    Whoop whoop!! on your pretty water lilies quilt!

  18. Is it telling my age if I remember playing jacks? That and hop scotch was our favorite growing up or I forgot jumprope. Love your lily quilt. Until recently I didn't have many UFO but today I want to make everything I see on others blog and never enough time to finish anything before the next new projct comes along. Think I will take your advice and enjoy life along the way.

  19. Even when you "slow down", you leave me winded trying to catch up!

    Glad that you shared your fun with us! It was a tremendous guilt free way for you to recharge! Sometimes that boxing up of UFO's is the most freeing thing we can do!

    Enjoy the upcoming holiday!

  20. Oh love the blue quilt!! The pictures out side with the kitty are just too cute. Glad you were able to find some time for you!

  21. Good for you for taking a day for you!!

    I remember stepping on those jacks. The plastic ones are cute, but there is just something about those metal ones...

    Yay for sending some quilts to Sarah. She really has a ministry going there and will put them to good use!

  22. I know what jacks are, and I know everyone in the world has played jacks. But not me. I wonder why? Oh my, maybe I have issues from my past from not playing jacks? You sure are doing a lot of stuff considering you're slowing down. You should keep the blue quilt for Sneaky :-)

  23. Great post! I love how you compared playing Jacks with our quilting projects and the choices we make. There are so many fun things out there to do and we want to do them all. I get a lot more creative quilting done on the days I take a "play break". I call it Minutes for Me...but sometimes I forget to do it. Thanks for the reminder!

  24. Excellent recommendation. Sometimes we need to just have FUN. I spent a week having fun with the grandsons were here. Maybe I should set a day aside each week just to play.......

  25. What a great thing to remember! Sometimes we need to tell ourselves to relax and have a good time! I remember metal Jacks. They did hurt! I was the one almost always stepping on them.

  26. Your jacks story was great! reminded me of playing with my grandparents a long time ago:)

    Love the embroidery and yes playing with scraps is such a stress reliever!!

  27. Your stitching is beautiful! Have a super weekend!

  28. Good for you to take a day to pamper yourself! We need to refocus and breathe once in a while:)

  29. You know something I never played jacks...going to a boarding school of only girls..I never saw them till I went to America when I was little...still have never played them..don't even know how....

    ohhh love your stitching..whatcha doing lol

  30. Your block two looks great! I just finished mine too! The button flowers look really nice with the big butterfly!
