
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Merry Month of May

The Lily of the Valley is May's birth flower and my favorite. So delicate yet so fragrant. I can remember my great grandmother telling me her Lily beds were where the fairies lived. I watched for them every time I visited. Because I was so quiet and out of the way for so long, I always got to pick a handful to take home. I always hoped that somehow I had managed to capture a fairy in my handful.

I took Heather's challenge and 'Un-plugged' - no computer, no TV and muted the phone. It gave me the perfect setting to finsh one of my Hands2Help quilts. I really need to photo this outside in the sun as the colors just don't show - actually a pretty dusty rose - border print has tiny dusty rose flowers. This is the first quilt I ever used a light binding on - it's the backing fabric.

I know you've seen this before - but when I re-plugged (tons of e-mail and blog updates) I got notification that my sewing machine cover and accessories have made the finalists in the Moda Bake Shop - April contest. You can go register your vote for your favorite of the 5 finalists.

How did you do for your May for Me journey today? Are you visiting the participating bloggers? Many great tips and projects - and yes - give aways.

Again, no recipe as this is just so easy and I admit that I use Bisquick. But why not Pancakes for dinner? Dress them up and add what you like. Syrup, honey, butter, gravy, grits, sausage, canadian bacon, applesauce. A 'kid friendly' meal. Personally, I love them with strawberries and whipped cream.

OK - walk, don't run. The posting of fabrics on Sunday are my give away goodies during May for Me. I over-bought, need to thin down, and want to share during my birthday month. This Birthday Party is for my 'current' followers. I welcome any new, but I am sharing with those who have been with me for these 6 months. To get in the drawing for this week - tell me what is your birth month. NO, I don't need to know how old your are or what year or where - just the month. And since I have hit the 100 follower mark, I will pull 2 winners this week. Winners get to pick from the pile. I will update the fabric list with winner(s) so you know what was chosen and what is left. *Winners announced each Saturday* **There is some confusion about who can enter the give aways - anyone on my follow list from the beginning (Oct '10) until May 1st (2011) is eligible - you don't have to know when you followed , I have list.**

**Squared UP will resume after May for Me**

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” - Abraham Lincoln

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Mine's September. Not too sure how long ago I started following you. Is there a way to tell? Happy May to you. Hugs, Christine

  2. Hi Sharon not sure how long I have been following you either..... I have just had my birthday in April.

  3. June.... a fabulous month for so many reasons. Happy Birthday Month to you !~! I don’t know either when I began to follow your blog. I love your header.

  4. Pancakes sure look good. Mine is December. Happy Birthday

  5. Mine is November!!
    I have been here since you began your blog..

  6. Congratulations on the Moda feature!!! I haven't been following long enough for your giveaway, but my birth month is September.

  7. I LOVE the H2H quilt, it so pretty. it think the light binding frames it so well. Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorites. Congrats on being a Moda finalist. My birthday month is May but don't think I've even been blogging for 6 months. Something new for me!

  8. May! I will be celebrating my birthday in a few weeks! Congrats on being a finalist in the Moda competition!! I just voted for your wonderful sewing machine cover. Your Hands2Help quilt is beautiful. Your story about the Lily of the Valley was precious. What a wonderful memory to have.

  9. I am a devoted follower and plan to celebrate my next birthday the entire month of January. I love this concept. Judy C

  10. Hi Sharon, happy birthday this month! My birthday is January 25 - I tell people that was my parents' REAL Christmas present, a month late.


  11. I am a September birthday!
    I love the fairy story. I used to pick lily of the valley near my grandparents home too. It is so delicate.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Happy Birthday!
    Mine is November.
    Great giveaway!
    Happy May for Me Celebration too!

  13. lilies of the valley is my name sake flower as I was born this month...but even if I wasn't it would still be my fav...I think I started following you in NOV of last year...yep that is when my days seemed sew much brighter with U in it..

  14. When I looked at your H2H quilt in your previous post I have to admit, it seemed as though it was cream and brown tones. Maybe my color recognition is off because I was born during a blizzard in December.

    We were away for the weekend, so I discovered the package of lovely fabrics when we arrived home last night. Thank you Sharon for this lovely and generous gift.

  15. Happy Birthday Month, Sharon. Mine is August.
    Congratulation and good luck in Moda's April contest. I voted for you as I really LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the sewing machine cover, pad and pin cushion with cover! I hope you win!
    Lilies of the Valley, such classic, fragrant, lovely flowers.
    Pretty H2H quilt.
    Think I'll go make me some pancakes for lunch.

  16. I love the concept of "Unplugged"! Looks like it was a success for you as well!!

    I'm off to vote for you at Moda - love your project!

    April is my bday month--just celebrated a few weeks ago!

    Happy Monday, Sharon!

  17. Happy Birthday Month! :)
    to you Sharon
    my will be August
    and also congratulations!
    on your nominations for your sewing machine cover.
    You have my vote :)
    Have a happy sewing day

  18. Voted for you!!! Good luck. MMMM I think I'll make pancakes for dinner, those look really good!

  19. A BIG Birthday HUG!! My b-day month is October...I have been a follower for awhile...YOU are a great person to follow!

    hugZ (again...)

  20. I don't think I've followed you long enough, but I wanted to congratulate you on the Moda selection! I voted for you today!
    Love the sweet story of the flowers, and your H2H quilt is wonderful!
    Jacque in SC

  21. I don't think I have followed you long enough. saw that you were a finalist so I voted for you. How exciting!!

  22. I also love Lily of the Valley. We had them when I was a child. When we bought this house I ordered some pips but the slugs kept eating them. A few years ago my neighbor gave me some and I am happy to say they are blooming now.
    I saw your Moda Bake Shop entry yesterday. I really like the fabric you used.I did vote.
    I was born in January.

  23. Im a Mother's Day born May baby! BTW the meaning associated with Lily of the Valley is 'return of happiness' If you like the meanings of flowers read Margaret Read McDonalds book The Great Smelly Slobbery Small Tooth Dog-the story is filled with plants whose meaning reflects the story. My students loved hearing it!

  24. Mine is November....this would be a great early birthday present!!!

  25. Mine is March, I have been a little behind on blog catchups, and saw your sewing machine cover on Moda Bake Shop and have voted! I hope you get to win and get featured on the blog! Wouldn't that be a great pressie!

  26. Happy Birthday to you! Mine is next month - June! and a classic Gemini! LOL

  27. Happy Birthday and congrats on the Moda finalist! Did you make your own pattern for the little pincushion/trash basket and mat or is it from somewhere else? Thanks!

  28. May is off to a good start!!!! My birthday is in January.

  29. How sweet of you to host this giveaway.
    My birthday is in January.
    I am so excited for you for your Moda entry! Wow! I will go vote NOW..

  30. I love your cover...I'm going over to MBS blog & vote.


  31. Dear Sharon , This week I am planning a trip to Indiana to a Amish land in Shipshewana. I had to go back and find your Stash Manicure article about shopping. I will let you know How I made out.
    I know when I went up North in MI. last year, and I found some good bargins. Talk to you soon.
