
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May is for Emeralds

The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom.


Playing in my scrap bin - Scrappy spiral log cabin blocks from the tutorial at Love Laugh Quilt. I got 20 blocks done rather quickly. But lots more scraps so there will definately be another play day with these.

I, also, finished up all the stitcheries for the last three blocks of the Raggedy Annie and Andy BOM from The Painted Quilt. So I pieced up block #10 and hope to completed the rest of the blocks this month. I like how the sashing is added to the block piecing so you have that all done.

And what will this become? I just love to play and fell across this piece that I bought last year. Since it was photo'ed I have half of the project together. When creativity flows, go with it. Oh, yeah, that panel was cut to pieces!!


I hope your are following some of our May for Me participants. Tonya is hosting a stitchery/block quilt along. Marcia has been offering projects as well as give aways of her lovely cards. Belinda has a R/W/B fat quarter give away. Tonya and Marcia have listings of participating bloggers, so if I missed a give away from any of them, you may want to go browse the lists. Oh, silly me, don't forget this week on my blog!


Home made or store bought Tomato Sauce (26oz.)
salt and pepper
1 cup ricotta cheese
1 large egg
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish
6 sheets no-bake lasagna noodles
1 carrot, peeled into ribbons
1 zucchini, peeled into ribbons
3 1/2 cups baby spinach (washed and drained)
4-6 thin slices of mozzarella cheese (or shredded)

Mix the ricotta, egg, parmesan, salt, and pepper to taste in a bowl.
Mix vegies in a bowl.
Pour 1 cup sauce in large skillet and warm.
Place 2 lasagna noodles over the sauce in the skillet.
Layer half of the carrot, spinach, and zucchini on top.
Cover with some of the ricotta mixture.
Repeat the layers, ending with noodles. Top with the remaining sauce and mozzarella. Cover and simmer until the lasagna is cooked and the cheese melts, 20 to 25 minutes.
Let rest for a few minutes before slicing.
**fussy kids - change out veggies for browned burger (1-1.5 lbs.)**

In closing:

May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.

Chief Dan George

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The lasagna looks delicious, but alas, not on my weight watchers diet, lol. Might have to look for a reduced calorie version.

  2. I'm loving the scrappy spiral log cabin blocks. They're going to make an awesome quilt! You've got my curiosity up with the border fabric!!

  3. I love the spiral log cabin block! What a nice adaptation of a classic.

  4. I'm very curious too! And the lasagna...oh my. Not on my diet either, but I think we might work something out, lasagna and me...;)

  5. I really like your scrappy spiral log cabin blocks. What a wonderful way for scrap busting.
    Your Raggedy Ann/Andy quilt is going to be adorable. The green and yellow sashing is great.
    I look forward to see what you cut up and created with the panel - wonderful colors!
    Thanks for the recipe. I just might have to try this one.

  6. I LUV Emeralds...and the Emerald City.. wink, wink... did I miss the Raggedy "Annie" block of the months? I clearly missed out on my..well, my name block =)


  7. oh...shoot, i forgot to mention the those scrappy, kinda snail trail, loggy cabin blocks are REALLY COOL! I think I gotz-ta make some of them!!


  8. I can't wait to see what you made of the cut up panel....I really like those scrappy blocks! I need to get started on Tonya's sew along - I've got some squares cut out, but that's as far as I got!
    Jacque in SC

  9. I need an emerald - I need some reason and wisdom.

  10. Love the brightly coloured fabrics in this post and have copied down the lasagna recipe. For those on diets look for low salt tomato sauce and 25% (sometimes more) fat reduced cheese should take some of the kj/cals out of it!

  11. I haven't finished the last of my Annies. I need to do that. I really do like that little quilt.

  12. The scrappy spiral log cabin blocks look like fun. Will make a fun quilt. Can also see the blocks as hot pads and pot holders.
    Panel project sounds mysterious.
    Another crowd pleasing recipe! That, a salad and bread sticks ... dinner is ready.

  13. Cool log cabin block! Thanks for the wonderful recipe! I'm a vegetarian, so I always love a new fast and yummy veggie dish!
    xx, shell
