
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Patriots Day

Some people know little or nothing about Patriots Day. To New Englander's, it is a big, big day. In the states in New England, it's a holiday with a day off of work. Banks, schools, post offices, and businesses have the day off. Patriots Day commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. This battle began the American Revolutionary War. It also honors the "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere", that evening when he rode through town warning the colonists that "The Red Coats are coming!"

Appropriate for Patriots Day that I finished one of the SQUARED UP projects - scrappy stretched stars. This will be donated to one of the local VA Hospitals for a wheelchair lap quilt.

I, also, managed to get the borders on the other SQUARED UP project. A simple muslin border with final scrappy border. I made 9-patch blocks again with the muslin center, then pieced them into the border rows. This way I could maintain an even border. This will be hand basted and then handquilted at a later time.

I can finally show the piece I made for the Hot Pad Swap. I was starting to get frantic as it was mailed in March - took 3 weeks to get to Australia. Sandy at cookiesandcreamcraft said she liked brights (greens/orange), black was OK, yes, and dots - I also snooped her blog and saw she collected cats. Hope it covers everything.

This lovely thank you note and mini square packet came in the mail this weekend. An unexpected surprise from Moda as part of the Just One Star Project. You give as your heart tells you and you really don't expect anything back, so when someone takes the time to say Thank You, it really is especially appreciated.

Normally I would post a May For Me here, but with the wildfires in Texas and all the horrible damaging storms that swept across the US these past few days; I want to take the time to tell our fellow quilters/bloggers that I am thinking of you. Everyone, take the time to contact your followers and be sure they are safe and well. I am still waiting to hear from some. Many blessed prayers are being sent.


by Roger W Hancock

Red shed,
white right,
blue pure,
freedom be.
Flag fly,
flag free.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. We got some pretty heavy winds (Louisiana) and lots of branches down but that was about all thank goodness. I really like the square quilt. I'm trying to use up some of my scraps and that would be perfect

  2. We were lucky here in Middle TN and didn't have too much damage - but I hear the east coast was hit pretty hard!

    I love love love that scrappy nine-patch/irish chain quilt! I've got to make one too!!

  3. Wonderful quilt that you will be donating to the VA!
    That will be quite a project to hand quilt the scrappy quilt!
    The hot pad you made for Sandy is adorable. Love the colors and the cats.
    I, too, hope all of our blogging friends are safe after all of those horrible tornadoes and winds that went through the midwest and south!

  4. Your squared up quilt is so lovely. I notice that the lattice is much more obvious if you look at a small picture of the quilt. As soon as click on it and see it bigger, you look more at the individual fabrics of the 9ps. Does the lattice effect stand out as it lies on the bed?

  5.'ve been busy. I haven't gotten my one star project done yet. I am hoping that I can add that to this week's project list.

  6. It has been a bad year for so many already...all around the world!

    I think you did cover everything for the 'cat' lady. And the rest of your quilts are wonderful!

  7. Stunning nice red, white and blue donation quilt for the VA.
    Love the nine patch. Love squares. What more can I say. I'll never tire seeing pictures of them! They say home, warmth and comfort.
    Cute pack of Moda mini squares. Nice of Moda to send a thank you and a gift. You are always sewing for others.
    I hope everyone has a calm, peaceful, nice Easter holiday weekend.

  8. Those quilts are great. I had never heard of Patriots Day like most of us on the west side of the states. It seems to be a very important day in out nations history. We are fine here in Idaho. Thanks for caring.

  9. I really like the way the corners in your Stretched Star quilt are different sized. Great quilt for a veteran.
    Your swap hot pad is really cute. As a cat lover, it looks perfect to me.

  10. That's interesting...I hadn't heard anything about Patriot's Day in years. Thanks for reminding us of our blessings of freedom.
    Love your two quilts and the cats on the hot pad, too.
    Here in SC we had some rough storms, but our foothills area came through OK. Our power line came down (tree on it) and made a fiery mess, but the volunteers were able to put it out.
    Up in NC they were not so fortunate. Praying for all the families who lost homes, and worse, lost loved ones.
    Jacque in SC

  11. Thank you for talking to us about Patriot's Day. It always good to learn new things and/or reminded about good things to know.

    You are AWE-some with the making of all your charity quilts! I really do admire you!


  12. Happy Patriots Day!! Love the squared up quilts, you make the best scrappy quilts. And the hot pad is absolutely adorable.

  13. Visiting from Tuesday Archives. Love your 9-patch design--especially reversing colors so that white is the "color" making the diagonals.

  14. Ditto, I am visiting from Val's!

  15. Sharon I love the scrappy nine patch!! 2011....what a perfect post to get rejuvinated!!
