
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lil' of This - Lil' of That

I have been project jumping again, seems I work best that way. After all, I cleaned that spot on the table! This is a Carol Doak pattern - Birthday Star for Quilters' Newsletter 2008. One of my first paper piecing projects. I can see why it sat in the box - very wonky and not fond of the fabric choice, but it is now together - we need to remember our beginnings. This will be a candle mat and reminder of those beginnings.

And some stitching. This is Kaaren's (PaintedQuilt) Raggedy Ann/Andy BOM. She released the last three blocks all at once because she was (has) moving. I don't want to get behind and it is very relaxing for me to do some handwork mixed in with the machine. I plan to add all the button eyes after the quilt/quilting is done so they don't interfere.

And the quilting is done on the Jelly Roll Race quilt. I used some of my different machine stitches every so many rows - red thread on top and black on bottom. And the inbetween I hand stitched with green 3-strand floss. I haven't found the right fabric yet for the binding.

I pieced together my 'Flirting With Flowers' (Toz) and need to add some hand work to fill in some empty spots. I didn't add all the bugs and butterflies - and used buttons in place of some of the applique bits (oh my circles are horrible). I have some beading I want to add, but after it is quilted. And some 3-D flowers for that middle strip. Still lots of play with this one.

I am slowly making this small dresden plate for my quilt guild - each member to do a block for a charity quilt. Pieces were given pre-cut, but found they aren't all the same size and not sure how many blades are suppose to be in the plate. I will have to check on this one - it is not going well. And, oh no, a circle applique center.

I pulled a lot of fabrics for the Quilters Gallery Basket Swap. I'm not sure what I want to use yet - have to leave it out to eye-ball every so often. Then I am sure it will be an afternoon project.


Hands2Help - signup April 10th-13th
SantaSack - signup deadline April 30th
Season Swap - signup deadline April 15th
Zippy Purse Swap - signup deadline April 12th


Make sure you click on the side button - some bloggers have joined in with some other tips and fun activities. I still need to find fabrics for that wallhanging I want to do.

I would like all you gals to think about some personal ME time too. How about a pretty basket filled with some soaps, lotion, shampoo, bath salts - a 'Pamper Me' basket.

I think Spring has finally arrived here. And though I have been a little under the weather, I have been strolling the grounds to see how things have survived this long winter. My daffodils are just peeking and should open with another warm day.

"And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest."
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sewingly Yours,


  1. This post gives me hope..I like the way it flits from one thing to another..15 minutes of fame every day on each project will get them done..Enjoyed the pictures!

  2. I love seeing all your pretty projects!!

  3. Wow! You have been very busy!! Everything looks GREAT!!

  4. You Carol Doak pattern turned out wonderfully. It will make a wonderful candle mat.
    I love doing stitchery and your Raggedy Ann/Andy BOM block is adorable.
    What a great idea to use a different machine stitch for the different rows in your Jelly Roll Race quilt. I will have to remember that for future projects. Did you use your walking foot?
    Your Flirting with Flowers is beautiful! I can't wait to see it with the beading and 3-D flowers.
    Good luck with the Dresden plate. I wonder why the pieces are not all the same size.
    Spring has sprung all over around here. Thanks for sharing the poem.

  5. I agree with Quiet Quilter. I like how your post is often an update of your many sewing projects. And sometimes you give us a delicious receipt, some nature pictures, and poems ... great blog.
    I like how your jelly roll challenge quilt is coming along.

  6. You have so many great projects going on!

    And I've already gotten some pamper basket goodies too. Some bath salts and lotions...I'm thinking a hot soak every night!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. Sharon, you are one amazing gal for sure!! So many projects going on at once, and you don't seem flustered at all..
    Most dresden plate blocks have 12 blades sewn together and then the circle is appliqued over the center. I counted and there is only 11 on yours.. So that will be the difference. hope this helps you some..
    keep the needles flying..

  8. Like the way you quilted your jelly roll quilt!

  9. I love reading about how much you get done. It is amazing.

  10. Holy smokes, week after week, you amaze me. Wonderful inspiring projects. I feel the need to go sew right now!! Thanks!

  11. I need to pull myself together and sew!!....grin.

  12. You always have such a lovely colourful post.Love all your fabric choices.. so it's a pleasure to stop by! :)

  13. Wow! You're busy & everything looks wonderful!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Wow - you get a lot accomplished when "project-jumping!" Mine is more appropriately titled ADHD and I usually just move things from one pile to another! LOL
    Loved seeing all your projects and the spring poem!
    Thanks for the inspiration!
