
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Floating Like a Feather

Do you feel like you are just floating around like a feather in the wind? Oh, I do. Not winter, not spring - ugh, we have snow again and for the next 3 days. My monthly goals are met and I really don't want to start on the next month's list. Quilt Alongs are finished or about to finish. Do I start something new - something small - something big? Floating.....

I decided to play with something a little whimsical. A 'Girlie Girl' layer cake. We just received word that a new baby will be joining the family. My nephew and wife, still early to know boy or girl - hopefully a girl so this little quilt will be ready.

The disappearing 4-patch is popping up all over and I have wanted to try it. I think this fabric just calls for it. ** I cut the layer cake into quarters, thus using 5" squares to make the 4-patch**

I cut 1" from the seams so I will have the skinny strips and middle 4-patch. I'm using the cute little girlie prints with dots in the 4 color ways - the daisy prints I'll use for a border.

And I picked the cross stitch back up. It actually is about 3/4's done, so this could be my filler of time while I'm floating.

Have you ever chased a feather floating down from the sky? Or stomped puddles?
Have you wondered why children enjoy life more than adults do? The answer lies in the fun element of life.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Loved your last thought. I think we miss the 'fun element' too much as we get older.
    Isn't the disappearing 4 patch a fun block to make? You will have an adorable quilt when you are done.
    Love the cross stitch you are working on.
    Stay warm and hopefully spring will return soon.

  2. I'm tired of the snow too. We have gotten as much as you have, but there has been a lot of snow and when I woke up this morning it was all white. Love the fabrics for the baby quilt, it's going to be adorable.

  3. Oh, so true! Your final thought was one that I love...we get so caught up in things we feel are vitally important, that we miss the things that add spice and fun to life. I wish today that I had time to just go out and lie in the pasture and watch the clouds like I did with the kids when they were small - it's a gorgeous day! (Hmmmm, maybe I'll just do that!) LOL
    Jacque in SC

  4. I wouldn't have blogged about the 4 patch a while back if I'd had known the rest of the world was going to!!

    Yours looks fun.

    Oh, and next time you find that you have too much month on your hands...hand me some of that time, ok?

  5. I often feel like I'm floating between projects but the key for me is just picking up something, anything, and starting. The fun element in life changes with age and time...stomping in a mud puddle holds no joy for me these days but wandering through a fabric store, now that's a different story! blessings, marlene

  6. Love you quilt and cross stitch.

    I'm old enough to be one of the lucky children that was allowed to run free in

    I do miss that for my grand children. My wish for today would be that I would be light enough to float like a feather....LOLLLLL.

    What a site that would be.

  7. Yes ... warm and beautiful for a week and now back to cold rain and cool temps.
    Another little one. Congratulations.
    Know what you meant about that D9P. Seeing so many in blogs, I find myself looking at my stash. Maybe I should try one.
    Remember playing outside all day, everyday? :)

  8. Yes! Sometimes we have to forget what we have experienced and just live!

  9. The new baby quilt is going to be so cute! Wow! All of your March projects are completed and April won't be here for another week. Go have some FUN and chase that feather floating from the sky!

    SNOW???!!! We had to turn the A/C on this past week!! Isn't there a happy medium??!! ENJOY!

  10. You are so right. It's about the kid that's still in all of us.

  11. I have GOTTA try this "disappearing 9-patch"!!! it looks so fun...I wish there were more hours in the day...and that i wasn't getting old so fast...I always feel like there isn't enough time to do all the fun things!


  12. I like your cross stitch project. It looks like it goes with your banner painting.
    That fabric looks perfect for a little girl quilt. Did you leave the layer cake pieces at 10" when you sewed them into the 4 patch blocks?

  13. Katie - I updated the post to read ** cut layer cake into quarters, thus using 5" squares for 4-patch ** This could certainly help anyone else with the same question along the way - thank you.

  14. I'll have to make that disappearing 4-patch, I'm so behind on my fun stuff! Congratulations on your new great niece-or-nephew - I look forward to seeing the baby quilt when it's completed.

