
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter - A Lingering Season

"February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March."
- Dr. J. R. Stockton


Gosh, you think we could have found a better hat, but lo! So we used my winter ski hat (I don't ski) and my SIL pulled a name. ROMA - I will be sending an e-mail out to you for your mailing address.

I finished the floral 'garden' charm quilt. Just simple straight stitching along seams to form the garden boxes. It needs a toss in the machine and dried (spray basted) for a nice soft, crinkly quilt. Then, if the weather permits, it's off to our Tuesday guild meeting for donation.

This is my second Brown Bag Quilt Swap piece. I received such lovely American Jane fabrics and paired them up with some AJ charms and Kona Snow. Keeping with the heritage of the fabric, I chose heritage blocks - the snowball and the 9-patch. They made a nice secondary pattern. My longarmer and I discussed the quilting, I wanted a light open scrolling vine with leaves - like those in the yellow print. She added little berries and a small heart in the larger leaf - just lovely.

This is the back of the quilt. We had to use 90 per cent of fabrics received, so I pieced the back and pieced the binding. The little baggy contains the bits that are left. I will use some of those when I make up a label, but the label will wait for when I decide who will receive this little picnic quilt.


INSPIRATION - A little different this time. I received a new box of scraps for donation and I just fell in love with these little squares of the 'umbrella girls'. There was just the 4 squares, would so love more of this fabric. Has a piece of fabric inspired you?

Another play ground for the square - Trip Around the World. Since I only had 4 little blocks I used some pre-cuts (3.5") and individually pieced a mini 'trip' and will use this for the front of a bag. I would use the strip piecing method if doing a quilt. But we don't always have to do big projects - little ones make nice gifts too.

Have you found your inspiration in the simplest of shapes; or a piece of fabric that calls out to you? Maybe a smell; or a color?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I am starting to piece my backs now..I think I am really going to like trying to use all the fabric in one quilt. I always buy more than I need anyway, and this way I won't get tired of it like I have before...

  2. Your Brown Bag Quilt Swap piece is beautiful! I love both the front and the back. I honestly can't say what inspires me. Sort of depends - for hexies that I'm fussy cutting it's the cute prints I find. For most other quilts it's the color combinations that occur.

  3. Love your creations. I've recently been inspired by a photo from a Better Homes magazine. The colors just seemed to call out to me. Earth tones with a small bit of lime green. Unfortunately, I've only found one color in my fabric bin so I'm headed to the new LQS - Material Matters. I'm just planning a little project so I think a few yards will be ok.

  4. I think the brown bag/picnic quilt will be use a lot. When you look at that quilt, it invites to pick it up on your way out the door. Beautifully quilted! Pictures of scrappy quilts, bright colors, fun prints, flowers, old as well as modern fabrics, simple squares, simple quilt patterns, wonky log cabins, strips ... all inspire me.

  5. Congratulations Roma!!!!!! and thanks Sharon for the giveaway.

    Billie in Tx

  6. Gosh Sharon, I am in shock.! I am one of the people who never wins anything.. Thanks so much and I will look forward to gift..

    As always I am in awe of all you get done.. and it is so refreshing to see true quilt items. And not what I call fiber art.. LOL

    thanks again..

  7. Your Brown Bag Quilt is so cool!! I love it!!

  8. Love the quote on February LOL! Can't wait for Spring. Love, love, love your brown bag quilt - and the back too! SO CUTE!
