
Monday, February 21, 2011

Pay it Forward

**** I have my Pay It Forward sign-ups FULL - THANK YOU ****

I like to send 'surprise' gifts along to people anyway, but joined in the bloggyland "Pay it Forward" in the hopes of encouraging others. I know quilters send so much love around to those in need and forget to 'gift' themselves. Here is a great way for quilters to say THANK YOU to other quilters.

The rules are simple:
I need three people that would like a gift from me.
I send each of them a gift sometime in the next year.
In turn, you send three other people gifts.
I don't think this is too hard a task considering we have a whole year!!
No need to be big and fancy, just kind and considerate.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I am currently in the middle of a PIF commitment so don't think I should sign up for yours too. Good luck on your 3 participants.

  2. Hi Sharon. I visited Madame Samm personal blog today. She gave away the GO and listed you among some others that wanted very interesting things in life. In her list she said that you wanted to be an Olympic Star - Equestrian and nearly was! That must have been very exciting times!
    The Pay it Forward sounds interesting, but I don't know many blogging quilters. Would I need to find the willing quilting bloggers or would all those wishing to participate respond to this post?

  3. I will sign up under you. I would love to get more goodies from you. Let me know if you get two more that want to sign up.

  4. Oh this sounds like fun! I am game! So what do I do now post this on my blog?

  5. Okay I posted this to my blog! Yeah I can't wait! Hugs, Ellen

  6. Hi Sharon - I signed up under Shannon who signed up under you - so you're spreading the good will. Thanks for doing this!!!
