
Monday, February 28, 2011

Marching into March

There are no National Holidays in March - BUT did you know you can celebrate the following days as special events?
March 1st is — National Pig Day
March 5 is — St. Piran’s Day
March 9 is — “Barbie Doll” Day
March 11 is — Johnny Appleseed Day
March 14 is — Potato Chip Day
March 15 is — True Confessions Day
March 20 is — Corn Dog Day
March 21 is — Spring Fairy Fun Day
March 23 is — National Puppy Day
March 30 is — National Pencil Day


This was Thursday's (2/24) new block

This is Monday's (2/28) new block


This wallhanging was a 2010 BOM. Simple paper pieced blocks from Regina Grewe:
I just used my serpentine stitch and varigated brown thread to machine quilt. My two son's are fighting over it.

A small mandela cross stitch. There are a lot of beads in this and mix of silk and hand dyed floss were used. It is quilted and fabric framed.


Yes, these little chicken pincushions are made from just 2 squares. I used 1" scrap strips to make log cabin blocks, but you could use some splashy prints. I just made mine from looking at one that one of our class members had received as a gift. I did find a tutorial:

If you have some special fabrics you want to showcase, the snowball block is a great way to set them. I made this wallhanging with some left over charms and used 1.5" squares to make the corners. Quilted each snowball with metallic thread for a little bling. Done in 'baby' prints, this would make a fast, cute baby shower gift.

"I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze."
- William Wordsworth, Daffodils

Sewingly Yours


  1. Is this Buttercup in your blocks? The colors are just beautiful. I can't wait to see your Blogapalooza quilt all put together. It's going to be beautiful!

  2. You forgot National Quilting Day! March 19th this year, I believe.

  3. Well March is National Craft Month! That potato chip day sounds promising.

  4. I hope the wild pigs out here don't have a calendar. I can't believe you already did todays are speedy.

    I sewed two seams yesterday that were 1/2 inch long each. Then I was tired.

    Have a great day!

  5. I'll celebrate Potato Chip Day.
    All your work is beautiful, blocks, little hen pincushions, beaded needle work, baby gift. I can understand your sons wanting the mushroom/batiks quilt.
    Mother and I saw our first daffodil blooms yesterday! Buds on a tree in the front yard. Todays rain will make NC look like spring by the weekend.

  6. I look forward to your posts. You have so much going on. You Block-a-palooza blocks are great! Your cross stitch is wonderful. Those mushrooms remind me of a couch pattern my parents had back in the 70's. LOL!

  7. The list of special days is so much fun.. I wish they were holidays too!! I just really love your mushroom quilt... fantastic
    thanks for your kind comment on my post on Sew We Quilt... glad you liked the snacks too!
