
Monday, January 31, 2011

Sewing Party Weekend Over

I enjoyed this weekend's Sewing Party with the "Charming Girls". It pushed me to finish a project I was falling behind on. I managed to get all the redwork blocks stitched up for 'Annie'.

And then I got all those set into their respective pieced settings. These are large blocks - large blocks make me nervous as it is difficult to keep them squared up and then you get the 'waves' in your work.

And then I managed to get my rows into a semi-completed quilt top. Now there is just the last three monthly blocks to set off on the bottom. I feel like so much was accomplished in the company of some wonderful ladies who had some fantastic projects going at the same time - an on-line sewing retreat for me and I loved it.

I had some difficulty with the bloggy world - so many referring to the weekend as the end of the month. I have enough trouble losing days of the week without others losing days for me. This is a person who lost days while in a coma - I get very frustrated when I lose days conscious.

I have been kicking around some ideas of things to add to my blog. I don't feel I'm qualified to do tutorials, there's enough of them out there. I do love to share what I do know and love, as many quilters do. So I approached some 'new quilters/sewers' who could offer the fresh ideas. Thus I have the beginnings of "Squared Up". Just simple sewing of squares - the basics of sewing/quilting. Some color play, fabrics, settings, where to look for inspiration on a simple level.

My inspiration is this lovely purple square paper plate. So simple in design, but so very striking. It leaves room for creative design. Coordinating shades of purple, maybe you think of lilacs, or maybe there's that little paisley print in your stash needing a home in a quilt.

My work with squares in progress. Lots of little (1.5") square colors being melded into a quilt. Some of you are participating in PS I Quilt's postage stamp quilt-a-long done with the strip method. I like to make mine with the individual squares as I get to pet each piece of fabric that goes into the quilt. I have another in progress using 2" squares.

I started blogging to share my journey and to keep me on task with the many projects I seem to 'scatter' off with. I have had some wonderful people support and help me along the journey. I don't watch the 'follower' listing, and get annoyed with give aways and ads with "need to follow, tweet, and like" - they just turn me away. But I suddenly noticed my lovely list due to all you ladies who comment on a regular basis and I do try to peek in on all of you too. So I am having a THANK YOU give away for my supporters. This is ONLY for those on my current list, so no new followers and don't post about a give away. This is for you ladies as a thank you.

I know you all like fabric, but I am gifting something that is close to me. I love cross stitching and combining it with quilting. This sampler is one of my 'house on the hill' versions and is 12" x 14". There will be some surprise goodies with it when mailed off to it's new home. So if you are interested in my THANK YOU, please leave me a note either on the blog or e-mail me. I will draw (names on a strip in the old hat) next Monday - Feb. 7th

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh, Sharon, your stitchery is beautiful. I would love to give it a new home.
    And your redwork is wonderful as is the quilt top it is being used in.
    Your blog is one I make sure to read.

  2. Your Annie quilt sure is fun! I understand what you mean about wanting to touch all of the pieces. I am just like that. I feel the need to add each piece. I am sure it would be fast to do it in strips, but you know. I would love to have the chance to give you sampler a new home. Thank you for the give away!

  3. Love the combination of stitchery/cross-stitching and quilting, even if I haven't worked much with it myself. Good progress on the Annie-quilt. I can't get my eyes off your other quilt; just loooove the way small blocks are added together to a bigger block. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  4. Your blocks are beautiful. Like you, I like to touch each square. Please continue to show pictures of your sewing projects. I like to see what you are doing. If you make a 100 versions of the SAME quilt pattern, I would be happy to see a picture of each one on you blog. If I were lucky enough to win your cross stitch house, it would be an honor. It would have a home on one of the walls in my home.

  5. Forgot to say that I like your 'Squared Up' idea as I have always favored quilts make with simple squares and rectangles that allow fabric colors, color values, patterns and placement be the driving creativity.
    Happy scrap quilts made with bright, colorful, randomly placed squares are fun to look at too!
    I would like to see you develop your 'squared up' idea.

  6. I love cross stitch!!! It would be fun to win.

  7. It's always very motivating when you get together with other crafty folk, isn't it, whether it's in the flesh or online. I have been very inspired and motivated by so many wonderful bloggers out in blogland.

    I admire your way of doing the postage stamp quilt. I am not sure I would have the patience to piece square by square! I loved making my top, but was getting a little sick of squares by the end of it. Mind you, the time of night probably had something to do with it too!

    I am also a cross stitcher...or I should say having a rest from it. I struggle with my eyes and stitching though so quilting is a better option for me at the moment. Your little sampler is beautiful... I do miss stitching.

  8. Sharon, I love reading your blog.!! And your Cross Stitch is lovely too.. Would look great in my house.. With that being said , add my name to the drawing.

    Stay warm!

  9. Your stitchery is beautiful. I love your purple plate, it will inspires me too to have the plate in the room.

  10. How sweet is that! Of course we all want some of your wonderful work!


  11. After reading how you found inspiration in a simple purple plate, I have been looking around for inspiration of my own. None spotted yet, but I'm sure I'll know it when I see it. The cross stitch piece looks lovely. I'm always amazed at how many wonderful pieces you manage to finish.
