
Monday, January 3, 2011

Keeping Warm

January is National Soup Month. I can't bake, but I can cook and there is nothing better during the cold month of January in the Northeast than a piping hot bowl of homemade soup.

Slow Cooker Lentil and Ham Soup

1 1/2 cup dried lentils
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 cups diced cooked ham
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
32 ounces chicken broth
1 1/2 cup water
Small can diced tomatoes
In a 3 1/2 quart or larger slow cooker combine all ingredients. Cover and cook on Low for 11 hours. Discard the bay leaf before serving. Serve with corn bread muffins. Serves 6 Options: could slow cook overnight and re-heat for dinner or will cook on stove top 45-60 mins. (until lentils are done)

And I am mixing it up with sewing new, finishing old, and a little cross stitch surprise.
I love these saw-toothed blocks in the Bonnie Hunter 'Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll' mystery. But after seeing the final layout, I am thinking of making 2 quilts instead. Maybe like the original, maybe mixing them up with something else. Since the project is now 2 new quilts, it will go on the back burner as I want to get some finishes under my belt.
I am on the final leg of handquilting my version of Sue's (Life on the Bayou) 'All Points North and South'. I just have to stitch around the edge of the border and the do the binding. This I'm keeping and guarding as everyone of my kid's want this one, too.
I machine stitched the grass sections and now shadow handquilting houses and trees. My fingers are getting a workout and find my leather thimbles work well with this, not only to push the needle thru but to grip and pulling out. I have some 'shop' signs made to add to each building as well as other embellishments. I'll add applique' hearts where the Christmas version had stars.
This is a little cross stitch piece I'm designing for a special surprise project. This is a "small" version of my huge 21 room house. I've done a few different pieces of our house on the hill, but only in the shortened version. It may be a while before you get to see it in it's finished state. I know, TEASE!

We are expecting a week of light snow, so I better get out this morning to lay in supplies - light could be who knows what lately. But it's a great time to put on my favorite opera, pull out the threads and needles, and stitch away while the crock pot does all the work.
Sewingly Yours,


  1. All of your work is beautiful!!
    Thanks for the great soup recipe. Stay warm!

  2. Oh yum, Sharon!! That soup will be perfect for us down here in the Utah desert because we woke up to snow this morning!! Thank you for the recipe - it sounds delicious!! And all your handiwork is lovely!! Kris

  3. Sharon I love all you works in progress, but love the fabrics you picked out for All points North and South.

    I'm even chilly in Texas today. Soup looks great.


  4. That soup looks so good. I will need to try that one. All of your projects look so great. Looks like you have some fun things to do.

  5. Your soup looks yummy! And, what pretty projects you have going. What a big house you have - I can't wait to see more of the surprise!
