
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Thaw

I use that title with a chuckle. My SIL and I were laughing about this today. We actually got to almost 30 today! Now we are to have another 2 weeks of sub zero weather. Heaters and oil tanks checked, generator primed in case, and wood piled handy.

Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash Soup
You need:
2 cups chopped sweet potato
2 cups chopped butternut squash
4 cups of chicken stock
1 medium onion - chopped
2 Tablespoons butter
1 ½ cups milk OR half and half
1 teaspoon crushed ginger (or ginger powder)
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
salt and pepper to taste
In a large saucepan or boiler, melt the butter. Add Chopped onion, garlic and ginger - cook till onion is clear. Add other vegetables, mix, cook a few minutes. Then add chicken stock, salt, pepper, bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer 20 minutes. Cool (a bit) blend. Add in milk (or half and half), return to heat, bring to nearly boiling.
Serve topped with seasoned croutons and bacon bits.

I used squash and sweet potato already cubed and stored in freezer. Any fall squash or pumpkin will work in this soup too. Canned pumpkin can be used - add with chicken stock.
I finished another UFO and so glad it's done. I wanted to handquilt this, but after a good finger poke thru my leather thimble, a broken needle and stitches not looking neat; I unstitched the thing and put it on the machine. Using non-quilty fabric is a leason learned. They are good quality cottons, and given me when I just started. The border and backing are Thimbleberries fabrics - but what a struggle. Even the binding gave a few finger pricks. I broke a needle trying to tie on the buttons!
I haven't shown these yet - love Kaaren's (Painted Quilt) Raggedy Ann and Andy BOM. I pulled the tote to have things ready for the next block. I need to find a larger box to store them as they are wrinkling badly in the tote. This is going to be a beautiful quilt. I'm not an Annie fan, but this is for my BFF who just loves them. Maybe I'll get ambitious and make a doll to go with it - I have until Christmas anyway
I pulled all my drawers to fold and re-sort fabric scraps to be ready for the Moda Bake Shop Progressive Dinner (see button). I need some new little projects that finish in a day. But I must admit, I started some blocks, too. What can I say - I get carried away when I play with scraps.

Other fun activities - check out Paula's Challenge button and maybe get ready for the BlockAPalooza quilt along.
Sewingly Yours,
Support a new quilting blogger - Pauline at


  1. It did thaw here. We got gas logs installed yesterday, but they couldn't set the tank because the ground was too wet, lol. So we have the logs, but can't use them.

  2. We have thawed out here in Idaho. Well at least where I live. We deal with frost and fog at night and mud in the daytime. LOL. I am sorry that your finish was a pain. I bet you are glad it is done. I love your scraps. How fun!

  3. Look at you go - you're seriously going to have to send me some mojo LOL! Love the quilt you finished - and the adorable raggedy anne quilt - so cute! And, getting organized too - great job!!!

  4. I just found your blog. You so kindly congratulated me on my giveaway win on the Red Pepper Quilts Blog. Thank you for that.

    I love the little I've seen so far of your blog! Recipes ... life ... quilting! I look forward to reading more and following along.

    I'm visiting New York for the first time in March. We're coming to see our son play College lacrosse. Usually we go to Kentucky to see some of his home games but this year we're going to see traveling games, which takes us to New York! I'm so excited.

    You think you have snow! I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada ... it's a veritable winter wonderland here! Now thawing for a while yet.
