
Thursday, November 11, 2010

100 Block Tour and Relaxed Sewing

I have so been enjoying the 100 Block Blog Tour.  I'm not one to just blog hop, but this is so special.  I hope I win a book - how great would it be to make a quilt with all these blocks?  I know my long armer would be drooling to get her hands on that one.

I found my leader/ender box rather full, so put together a crib quilt using a light flannel for batt and just tying it.  Friends have a new baby grandie due in spring, so just perfect. 
And I have a large, plastic pretzel barrel I store my triangle scraps in - that is so stuffed  full, I really need to get creative with those.  But instead, I pulled a few greens and used up some left-over WOW strips and made a feather tree for my SIL.  And I finished another little cross stitch - my little  Matryoshka Dolls (Russion nesting dolls).  I did my best in sorting thru my stash to find some fabric that looks festive and colorful.  Gosh, I need to brighten up my fabric choices!                                
 Still enjoying those old movies, but went to a theater production of Young Frankenstien.  It was well done and such a pleasant outing - theater, dinner and friends.  Probably my last big outing before the snow flies.  I hope you are mixing in some "fun" sewing and "me" time,
 Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hi Sharon, I LOVE your tree! It's superb!

  2. Sharon, you sure do get a lot done.
    The tree looks like a fun project. I may have to try this today!!

  3. What a great tree made from scraps! And I love your matryoshkas!!

  4. Hi Sharon! I particularly like the quilt you have in your header photo -- very nice! You do very pretty work. Love the tree and the nesting dolls, too! Enjoy your weekend!! :)

  5. I can not even handle how much I love that tree! Love it!
