
Thursday, June 2, 2022

June's Long Term


I've pulled another long term project that should make the month feel a little productive.  This was another project that was headed to the guild 'free' table, but the member shoved it into my hands and said ' this is you'.  SO - home it came.  Some of the little blocks were made, some cut and pinned up and some I had to totally make.  The pattern was in the bag so I was going with her plan, but there was not enough of the background from the original quilter - heck, go scrappy.

 For some reason I have enough sub-units for four blocks, but need just three more to complete the top.  Well, I'll chose what looks well in the setting (it's all an old Moda line) and the left over one will be a pillow.

These are laid by the machine and I'll fill in the diagonal rows to stitch together as I have some time.  

My son has cancer surgery (3rd) so I'll be hospital hopping and after care.  Yes he's an adult, but they are always our babies - especially when they are ill.

Our guild has a Quilt show as well, so busy with that thru the month.  I'll take time to breathe when I come out on the other side. 

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Best wishes to your son for his surgery, and for you as you worry about and care for him!

  2. Once a Mum, always there, in good times and not so good. Flying my loving thoughts Northwards to you all, and hopes that surgery goes ahead with a good result.

  3. Sending hopeful, healing thoughts to your son and reminders to you to take care of yourself as well.

  4. Prayers for your son, big hug for you.

  5. Best wishes to you and your son. Prayers being sent to you both. Love your project

  6. Best wishes for your son, and don't forget to look after you too. Beautiful blocks.

  7. I'm sorry to hear your son is sick... I wish him a speeding recovery.
