
Monday, June 1, 2020

Monday Making

A long May is finally over.  A very difficult month for sure - lock downs, demonstrations and riots, curfews, and we here in the NorEast had snow days.  Heck, even last night was heavy frost!  I haven't put my winter coat away yet.

Seven miniatures and table toppers got made, two quilts quilted and two more flimsies got added to the pile.  I'm suppose to be keeping ahead with the quilting pile - oh well.  

The last pile of blocks are coming out of the project tote - the tote has been filled back up with solids now.  And I came across a gifted stack of charms that I will look for a quick baby quilt pattern to use them up.

I found black!!  Keepsake Quilting has what they call 'Amish Black' (kona) and they have pre-cuts of 1, 2, or 3 yrds which you can see come nicely packaged.  Although everything checked out available when I ordered, there was only half my order with the other half 'not available - back ordered'.   We shall see if it ever arrives - this has happened to me in the past with this shop.  BUT I have my black!

My first job is to get the scrappy rail fence log cabin quilt into the flimsy stage.  This shouldn't take long as I have the halves together - it's just stitching those two with one long seam and done.

Then next is getting the binding done on my 'Stitching Sunshine Hop' project.

The 20 gallon tote stuffed with shirtings, plaids, and flannels has been pulled into view.  Time to play with those chickens and the Lincoln quilt.  I'll set aside some for the Hobo Quilt I want to start in the Fall.

I need to pull my OMG project and probably another to-be-quilted top.  June is another long month - right?

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Lots of colours there, and plenty to play with, even as your summer might arrive some time, and it will be almost too hot to sew.

  2. I am tired just reading about all that you did in May. June seems to have even more fun stitching in store. Enjoy!

  3. Glad you got some fabric. I ordered black last week, and got all they had (3.5 yards). I'm hoping that June calms down.

  4. Sounds like you are going to be very busy Sharon, great you got the black.

  5. With shortages of fabric, I’m glad for my burgeoning stash these days. I love that Amish black.

  6. I'm going on three weeks now waiting for border fabric. Life is definitely different on all sides. Looking for calm.

  7. Love your projects. I need a project for some plaids too. Hmmmmm

  8. I understand your frustration with ordering Kona or about any thing else from a certain shop! It can be very frustrating, when the computer says they HAVE something and the order should be ready soon... for pick up curbside... and the store itself has no record of it! And I was so excited to get started on... !
