
Friday, February 21, 2020

Allowed to Follow a Voice

This was the project I chose for my Facebook Group - Finish One Project.  And I am happy to say that a 2015 flimsy ('Hillside Houses' by Pretty Little Quilts that sat hidden in a tote is now finished.  The solid grey for the back and binding with organic straight line quilting with grey thread top/bottom.  This has been entered in the April quilt show.  I don't expect to win anything, but this one deserves a little special attention after being hidden for so long.

Since I have all my projects completed for the month, I'm allowed to follow those crazy voices in my head and play.  So I started on the 'Kids in Pajamas' quilt.  I think these are just so stinkin' cute!  This pattern is definitely for those use to working with tiny pieces as many .75" and 1" size squares and skinnies.  I've noted since the first one how to change some of the cutting and piecing to eliminate some of those tinies for less seam/bulk.  I'll be changing up the final layout as well to suit my own little 'herd' - also known as a tribe or a trip.  I would love to own some pygmy goats for my own 'tribe' - gotta have a tribe. 

We might get lucky and see some sunshine this weekend - gotta love that too.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your little tribe is so cute in those pjs. Gonna be a cute quilt for sure. Love your houses too

  2. Congrats on completing another old UFO (and having some fun with a new project!!)

  3. Oh my gosh...these are all so cute. I love the kids in pajamas. And good for you finishing up that old WIP. I'm still working away at my world record holder, Mulligan Stew, but I expect to get it finished when we get home.

  4. Sunshine, we have loved !!! the rain over the last two days, and a tribe, a trip or whichever fits their little faces, they are SO lovely,But such tiny pieces, lots of joining tiny seams, and their smiles, super.

  5. Love your houses on a hill! Your Kids in Pajamas is going to be a darling quilt!! What a fun way to use up scraps!!

  6. Oh, those kids in pjs really ARE stinkin' cute! 8)

  7. The Hillside Houses look wonderful. I really like the way the windows look brightly lit as though someone was home.
