
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Dust Off Your Books Hop

I would like to thank Bea @ BeaQuilter for hosting this hop.  This reminds me of the Let's Book It that I sponsored for a few years.  Dust off those books, magazines, and saved patterns and use them.

I had made a quilt in this book way back and I could make everyone of them.  Since I have been working so many modern pieces lately, I felt the urge to get back to my love of Civil War fabrics and heritage patterns.

I had the Red Cross quilt on my "to-do" list for some time, so I chose this pattern.  I know it as the Soldier Cot Quilt, but they call it the Blue and Grey in the book.

I changed the cuts from 1/4" size to 1/2" so I would get a larger finish.  Pulling scraps the Red Crosses went quickly as well as the blue larger 9-patches, both simply chained thru the machine.

I went with square edges rather than rounding the corners.  I used all scraps from the bins so a true utilitarian quilt.  I even pieced two batting left overs - the last of my Hobbs Heirloom used up.  Simple stitch in the ditch and crosshatch to give this a nice soft, comforting feel.

The back is an older Windham line and I had to piece the three chunks - cutoffs from using it on another quilt.  A left over binding that was just enough - I was sweating those last few inches. 

Finished size is 50" x 56"  A lot of fabrics used up from the stash.

Please be sure to visit today's other hosts:
Wednesday Feb 20th

Suzy at Websterquilt
Nancy at patchworkbreeze
Brenda at songbirddesigns
Karrin at karrinscrazyworld
Denise at craftraditions

Sewingly Yours,


  1. A lovely quilt and all from stash love it!

  2. cute quilt! (I don't know if I remember that blog hop, but it's always good to dig out old books again)

  3. Very cute quilt. I love those red crosses.

  4. Great version of the red cross quilt! Hmmm, I have that book ...

  5. I saw a Soldier's Cot quilt once and have always wanted to make one. Yours turned out really lovely in the fabrics you chose. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Wow this turned out gorgeous. I love the fabrics you have used. I made a sampler civil war quilt for my son when he got married. I used reproduction fabrics and I used the book Civil War Sampler by Barbara Brackman. The cool thing about those blocks is that each one has a history. My daughter in law loved it so I got her the same book because she wanted to make pillows to go with it. Thank you for sharing today. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  7. Beautiful quilt. I love the Civil War repros and need to use up more of mine

  8. The simplicity of this quilt pattern is wonderful. Great use of your various scraps and bits and pieces.

  9. Fabulous quilt! It looks 100+ years old.

  10. That really is gorgeous and feels like it's an heirloom quilt from years ago. I love using up "stuff" and I've resorted to piecing battings together myself. There is just something satisfying about waste not want not. If only I would excel on the want not part a little more. LOL!

  11. Just a beautiful finish to your quilt--nice work hugs, Julierose

  12. Very pretty quilt. Lovely colors. Enjoy your day! :-) :-) angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  13. Wonderful finish. I've got to get back to my Civil War fabrics too.

  14. I love this quilt. It does have a heirloom feel, so wonderful!

  15. A brilliant quilt with a beautiful finish. Fantastic!

  16. What a nice job you did on replicating the quilt from that book!! Looks like a cozy one. Even better since it's straight out of the fabric stash!!

  17. That looks so pretty. What a nice challenge you had!

  18. It's fabulous Sharon! I also love the reproduction prints and feel the need to work with them from time to time!

  19. Oh, just love your quilt....great job

  20. Great quilt! Someone was working on this at our retreat last weekend.

  21. What a nice quilt. I like when I can make something nice from what I have in my scraps and leftovers.

  22. Another lovely finish from your scrappy stash.

  23. It's beautiful! Even better that you were able to use up so many scraps and leftover bits :)

  24. Hi Sharon, what a lovely quilt - and such a great way to use up some scraps!
