
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Scrappy Wednesday

Today I will play in all my CW scraps for the Temecula Quilt Co "Secret Santa" QAL.  I made their "Countdown to Christmas" quilt years ago and still one of my favorites.  The fabrics were listed and step one and two have come out, but you can still catch up if interested.

The 12 green 9-patch blocks worked up quickly and now I have a lot of strattas of red/lites to make so I can tackle those 68 little 9-patch blocks.  These are made with 1 1/4" squares, so making them in strip sets makes it a lot easier.  I'm throwing in a few pinks in the red mix for a little bit of fun - and to use them up.

We are headed back into several days of heavy rains - crock pot ready for making meals and plenty of projects to work on - bring it.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your project looks interesting. Hope all stays safe with the coming rain.

  2. I have been eyeballing this one too. My red and greens runneth over. Hmmm. I may have to cave and get er done.

  3. Great work! I always admire the way you keep up with your projects and the sew-alongs, and thanks again for keeping us informed by posting their links in your sidebar.

  4. I can't wait to see it! Love those fabrics.

  5. You always keep on top of your projects... well done.

  6. I just finished my nine-patches tonight and am ready for the third clue. I found their 12 days of Christmas mini from 2011. I made my first one last week, and have two more on the go for Christmas gifts. I'm really enjoying working with these little pieces!

  7. Still the Busy Bee....grin. Love the baskets.
