
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Scrappy Purple

The problem child Anvil Block got finished, blocks corrected in the layout so they all faced the same way, and sashed.  I went right to work getting this one DONE.  I used up some 'stray' light grey JR strips for the inner sashing and the inner border was just enough of 'stray' white JR strips.  The little bit of those was chopped up into my barrel system.

The tropical print was something that come home with me when our guild had their 'stash swap' night.  It's not something I would buy or use, but it worked with this quilt for the outer border.   AND I hate borders and this is probably the widest border (9.5") I have ever put on a quilt.  BUT, it was to use that print up.  Cutting the length of the good size yardage of this made it so I didn't have to match/piece the  strips.  I had just a 2.5" strip left from the cutting and the small bit that was trimmed to length of border.  Those were cut down into my barrel system, too.

Now it is in the 'to-be-quilted' pile; which is growing.
This quilt full-fills the color purple for RSC18,  the Pantone Color of the Year quilt, and the block pulled for my Scrap Attack project.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Really nice, the border is great.

  2. That border is perfect and I think that it works being that wide - you really get to see it. My pile of tops is growing again, too, but hey, they're tops!!!

  3. It looks great, a lovely wide frame, with colours that go with the block pieces and all the sashings.

  4. Wow!! Go you and your trifecta project!!!

  5. That border is just perfect for you Anvil Block center. Congrats!

  6. Great quilt top and the border looks really good that size.

  7. I love all the extra scraps you used to pull this together. The border fabric is a great wild design that really pumps this traditional block up! Looks wonderful!

  8. That border was the perfect choice to pull all those disparate purples together. Way to go!

  9. I love your scrappy quilt with that large-scale print border. The width of the border really shows off the print, and it complements your blocks beautifully!

  10. The wide border really shows off the print and complements the blocks. The green in with the purple in that border fabric really showcases all those purples. Congrats on getting the border on. That's my next to least favorite step.

  11. Borders, too. Yes, you wanted to get this one done. On to new things now.

  12. Well done on the finish, it looks wonderful.

  13. So pretty! The border plays perfectly with variety of purple anvil blocks. Nice finish!

  14. I love how this turned out! The border print just unifies everything!

  15. Beautiful quilt love it and I am not a purple person

  16. Beautiful quilt and I am not a purple person

  17. It is interesting how a piece of fabric that never seems to have a use, jumps in and takes over so nicely. The wide border is great for that large print and sets the blocks off nicely.
