
Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Making

I will be joining BETH today with a little bit of play.  I know I have a lot of projects that need finishing, but after completing a few projects over the weekend I am ready for a little fun.

Our Monday sewing group is having a challenge with a pattern from a Quiltersnewsletter Magazine (2003).  Using the Birds in the Air block and some basic number of sized fussy cuts, it is then up to you laying out your pieces into a flimsy that suits you - so many options!  I decided to pull my box of collected ME fabrics for this one as they have just been sitting for years.

This will be my focus print and will pull pieces that coordinate with it.  It's a 2007 print - I didn't start quilting until 2009.  Most of those fabrics in the box were gifted or 'found' within the baggies of goods I get in the house.  I did purchase a few panels, but it is mostly a collected box of sweet ME's.  It will make a challenge project more of a challenge.

Have some fun today,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Too cute. This sounds like a real challenge. Look forward to seeing what you create.

  2. Can't wait to see what you do. That's one ME I haven't seen. I had a lot of her cherries at one time but think I've worked through all of them.

  3. Sounds like a great project and challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you do.

  4. Sounds like a great project and challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you do.

  5. I have some ME fabrics also... too pretty to cut into :)

  6. That’s a very pretty fabric. Geez, I hate to think how old some of mine are. I started quilting in 2008, and started collecting a stash fairly soon. Still, I’m thinking some of mine might be pretty old. Probably need to start digging for some old ones.
