
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Scrappy Wednesday

Today Temecula will have you make four more geese, but I made 20 or 40 each week to get them done.  Now I am putting them into 2 x 4 setting with dark geese flying north and light geese flying south which will make them into 8.5"  unfinished blocks.   And I am thinking I will randomly put these into a flimsy rather than sticking to the 'row' thing - we shall see when I lay them all out.

I have a meeting in the afternoon - at an Ice Cream place.  Where better to hold a meeting especially on a nice day?  Our guild's new program committee putting together the next 2 years' meeting activities.

Since I had no post yesterday, please visit both 7/18 & 7/19 hosts: 

Tuesday, July 18th

Wednesday, July 19th

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Those rows are so effective. lovely layout.

  2. I've never liked meetings but if they were at an ice cream place I would show up every day :)

  3. I like your idea of random blocks of geese. Enjoy the meeting topped with ice cream!

  4. "Dark geese flying north and light geese flying south." Sounds like some kind of goose segregation to me. I do like the idea of meeting at an ice cream place. A genius move.

  5. I like your plan for the geese. Hope you got to enjoy some good ice cream during your meeting.
