
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Monday Making 2/27/17

Grab button Monday Making

I will be joining Beth with some creative options for the day.

I have the next block for Barbara Brackman's QAL - that star was a booger, but I am not fretting about the center any more as it will get covered with another smaller star.  I have to search for the right fabrics to use for the flag portion and then get this one wrapped up.

The tote and parts are a project I start a long time ago and haven't touch in over a year.  It is down to all the applique blocks and since I have finished up one hand project, time to prep one of these and get back to it.

The Sophia quilt is a flimsy and hopefully the furkids will take a long nap upstairs so I can lay this out to baste.  There is something about a white quilt that attracts them - and I hate trying to get cat hair/dander/dirt off a white quilt!

Find time to create today,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. I think your star looks great! You are right about white quilts--love my little dog, but can't understand why she chooses what she does to lay on when she has a comfy little bed in almost every room in the house!

  2. The Sophia quilt is lovely. Enjoy your creative day.

  3. The Sophia quilt is lovely; it looks pristine and perfect, and I know firsthand what you mean since I live with a black cat, too.

  4. That star looks like a bugger, but it is so attractive.

  5. Your star is beautiful! Love the colors. I put my star together a few days ago. If I did it again, I would try a different technique. But like you say...we get to cover the center! And my flags are all ready to go. I still have to applique it on the background. Perhaps this afternoon!

  6. The star looks great! I still live by the rule that if someone riding by on a horse won't notice it, it's all good. Hope you got in lots of stitching (and basting) this week.
