
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching

I will be joining KATHY today for some slow stitching.  A need for a rest from a trying week.  This is the Gail Pan block for the Splendid Sampler.  I plan to make this a mini quilt on it's own.  I have little stitch work to do as I plan to work some of the areas in buttons, beads, fabric and fun stuff.

I have a commission piece that needs a lot of hand prep work and as long as kitties nap the day away - I will tackle that as well. (working velvet and I want NO kitty furs)

It's a GOOD day to stay inside and enjoy handwork.  The 'big' storm predicted over the next few days has rolled in this morning.

Today I am Thankful for times to relax, reflect, find peace within,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Enjoy the slow stitching and relaxing in your winter wonderland. I miss looking out the window and feeling like I was in a snow globe.

  2. Your photo could be my front yard...winter has come. It's a perfect quilting/sewing day. Hope next week is less trying...although with the holidays coming that might nit be the case.

  3. What better way to wait out the storm. Winter is here and buried in a sewing room sounds great!

  4. Rest, relax and enjoy the scene.

  5. I hope you're cozy and warm, as usual I find that snow picture gorgeous.

  6. Snow? Oh, no! I feel like saying, "All ready?", but it is almost Dec., afterall. Stay warm and safe! Happy slow stitching! XO

  7. The snow looks pretty to me, but that's because it's at your house...giggle. I'm cold here in the 50s, but the day is gorgeous.

  8. Enjoy your stitching. I love when there is snow outside and inside there is a quilt to work on.

  9. Yeah, our snow started last night and is still falling. (Oddly enough, it was in the high 60s on Friday...)
    An excellent day to stay indoors and play with fabric!

  10. Such a pretty snow picture. We had a pretty slowly falling storm most of the day. We were expecting 3-5" which eventually showed up overnight. There were lots of MVAs yesterday - luckily we only had to go out to one of them (the first in the county!). I was safely ensconced with my own sleepy pussycats for the rest of the day!!

  11. The Gail Pan embroidery will stand nicely on its own. The scenery outside is lovely, but too cold for my taste. Stay warm!

  12. Happy Blogaversary! I am late to the party, but, you know your blog is one of my favs! That snow looks so good to me! I can't wait to get snowed in at the Quilt Cave!

  13. I hope the coming winter isn't too hard on you folks further out from the cities.

  14. Oh wow, you did get some snow. Hope you got in lots of slow stitching.
