
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Scrap Play

I will be joining SARAH with her scrap challenge this month.  I have some commission work and to assist with keeping costs down, I am hitting the scraps and items on hand.

One project is to create 4 wallhanging using the SALT bandanas.  The design was agreed upon, size, and colors.  I pulled a few pieces off the shelf and I have some new bags of scraps that came in that I will look thru to see if they can be used.  Once things are laid out, these will go quickly as I assembly line piece them thru the machine.

The other project is to figure out the pattern and enlarge a bit of that rather beat up pocket/snap key chain purse.  The proto type is the wild black one and I pulled my drawer of colorful and odd/fun print scraps  and along with my ribbon and findings, these will work up quickly now that the pattern is correct.  Attaching the clamp snaps will take longer than the sewing.  I'm planning on working up as many as the D-rings I have - then the customer can select the 10 she wants - the rest will go in the shop.

As I go thru those scraps, I will put aside bits (I need at least a 2.5" square) of scrap that I think I might want to add to my '365' quilt.  This quilt just tickles me.  I usually get in the mood about now with a long project to just get it 'finished', but this one I am in no hurry with.

Today I am off to help set up my Mother's exhibit - will need a nap when I get home.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The 365 quilt is coming along wonderfully. I'm looking forward to seeing its finished flimsy at the end of the year.

  2. Loving your 365 quilt so far Sharon! It is a fun project, isn't it? And it looks as though your commission projects will be interesting and different - a nice break from blocks and rows etc. Enjoy your nap!!!

  3. Well, I love that key chain pocket. I could use one of those. My cell phone has a case that holds my driver's license and a debit card, and I never have any cash on me. That would be a good way to always have at least a little bit of cash on hand. Those of you working on 365 quilts are making me want to get a start on mine. I'm waiting though until we start our trip back east about a year from now.

  4. I can't wait to see the photos from your Mother's exhibit.

  5. I just love your 365 quilt. Those pocket snap key chain purses are a great idea.

  6. Can't wait to see what you do with the SALT bandanas. Fun day with scraps.

  7. I love the 365 quilt , amazing really . Lots of things to keep you busy .

  8. It's fun to use scraps for commission work, isn't it? I'm finding it very rewarding - and a good thing, since I need to work on scraps, but also those commissions! Your 365 quilt is wonderful, too!

  9. I just love the circle quilt - I have one on my to-do list. I've been sewing those triangle pieces together that get cut off half squares. One day I will put them in a scrap quilt - or my daughter will inherit them and file 13

  10. The circle quilt looks great and it's good to see it laid out like that, I'm usually admiring your ironing board cover.

  11. Looks like you've got lots of fun stuff to make with your scraps. Looking forward to seeing where all your scarps go.

  12. Sharon, your 365 quilt "tickles" me too! I LOVE all of the variety in it!

  13. Love seeing your 365 quilt. You must be so proud of yourself! Gorgeous!

  14. The 365 quilt is a hoot!! I find it hard not to jump ahead with long projects too. Good for you for staying slow with this one!!

  15. So many circles. The 365 quilt is great. It's really coming along.
