
Sunday, July 24, 2016

12 Days of Christmas Finale

It's been a great 12 Days of inspiration, tutorials, give aways, and a quilt along.  I would like to thank SARAH for doing a fantastic job with her first Hop and QAL.  She has a linky set up for everyone to show their projects made during the hop - looking forward to seeing the variations of the quilt.  Also, she is setting up a tab to keep the Hop links open - I am excited about that as there were way too many things that went on my 'to-do' list without the time.  Now I can revisit to get some presents completed for the season.

Today's Hosts Are:

I worked on the Feather Tree mini.  1/4 inch strips of green fabric and one strand each of green and red DMC floss.

I make a single over-hand knot about 2" from the end.

I cut four 2" green strips and ran my thread thru the middle.  That over-hand knot helps to not pull my threads all the way thru.  Then I take one wrap around the bundle, feed my needle/thread back thru the middle.  Then it is sewn to the mini with the last pull to the top.  I use a suture knot to finish off those thread ends.  This is the way I put hair on my little dolls.

I am keeping my tree a little 'Charlie Brown' as I want to add more to this closer to the Holiday.  Those little strips of green will be snipped in half and fluffed more to give it more of a feather look.

The smaller version of Sarah's quilt pattern is currently under the needle for quilting.  Since the linky is open until the end of the month, I will have time to finish this one to show on a link-up post.

I thought I would share another easy Christmas project and gift idea.  Hanging tea towel with matching potholders.  My SIL makes these Easy Hanging Towels - Dish Towel & Potholder.

Thank you for visiting us all during the 12 Days,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. It all looks great. The hanging tee towels and potholders are adorable. Love all those colors.

  2. Hi Sharon ,love the tree and love the dish towel and matching potholder,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  3. You've got a pretty impressive array of projects there, Sharon! I hope to get a couple made myself tomorrow - I've got my ducks in a row and ready to go! I love your little quilt-along quilt, too - so pretty!

  4. Whew! You can finally take a breath and put your feet up! It's been a busy 12 days!
    That tree is really sweet!

  5. Your little Charlie Brown tree is cute, I hope you post another picture after you fluff the ribbons, I'd like to see how that worked. Your SIL picked such pretty colors, that set would make a great gift.

  6. The way you do the feathers is so fun Sharon! Love the whole idea! Your SIL's towel and hotpads are great too!

  7. Your feather tree turned out beautifully. The pot holders and matching tea towels are great gifts.
