
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Whooping Up Friday 6/3/16

I was thrilled to finally have all those tiny pieces into rows and rows into their quadrant ready for those to be turned into a flimsy.  I laid out two quads to pin - went to grab a fresh cuppa and found fatty laying claim to it.  She got the pleasure of a nap for about an hour while I hunted up some backing fabrics and then I shoo'ed her off as I want this one done.  It's big and will have to wait for an outdoor photo (it rained again), but it is a flimsy!!

In my search for backings, I came across a box with little pinwheels - when did I make those?  So I pulled the solid skinnies from Hillside Houses and another project and framed them.  Still too small, so I remembered I had some JR strips from Dottie left over and I'll frame them up once more so they will finish up at 8".  A good start to another charity quilt and all from scraps that needed using up. *linking up with Oh,Scrap*

And I am so pleased with my '365' quilt in progress.  I have the next row of 6 prepped for hand work on Slow Sunday Stitching.  That will make me 2 days ahead for June, but working a row at a time is keeping me on track with this project.

We are to have good weather for the weekend, so I hope to get some yard work done.  And my porch needs a good cleaning and decor.  The Lansing Manor show will be on, but I am grounded without a car so will be enjoying a quiet house while puttering outside and minding the shop.

Enjoy your weekend,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. love your pinwheels and your circles. my circles have temporarily come to a stop as I do final prep for our reunion.

  2. Congrats on your flimsy - all those seams but it is soooo pretty!! Great idea to frame and then re-frame the pinwheels

  3. A very productive day. The pinwheel blocks are going to make a fun quilt. Hope you get your nice weekend to play outside.

  4. I like the black and white pinwheels. Your 365 circle quilt is looking awesome.

  5. Your kitty is looking pretty smug there. I'm loving your 365 quilt. So pretty!

  6. I love those circles! Framing the little pinwheels is a great idea.

  7. Working on a row at a time makes more sense than trying to do a block a day. I could probably manage a row at a time.

  8. The small pinwheel blocks will make a very nice charity quilt.

    Your circles are looking great!

  9. Framing the pinwheels is a perfect solution - makes them go farther and an interesting quilt in the making! Love your circles.

  10. I love your pinwheels framed in solid fabric. They look so bright and cheerful!

  11. Beautiful projects packed with #CreativeGoodness. Of course your sweet cat and quilt make me think about the upcoming Pets on Quilts Show, hosted by Lily Pad quilting. I sure hope you participate in this fun event, this coming August.


  12. Bella does look like she's claiming that quilt and daring you to do something about it :) It's so nice to just find random pinwheels that match, mine are always odd colored or different sizes.

  13. You were so sweet to let her have her nap! Congrats on the new flimsy - looking forward to a photo. We've had tons of rain here too - or actually, rain then sun, rain then sun - very unpredictable. Love the way your circles are coming along!!!

  14. Cats and quilts always crack me up! I have never lived with a cat, but love everyone else's photos of them on your projects. Your Quilty 365 circles are so pretty with the way you've done the backgrounds!

  15. Way to use those pinwheels! I love finding those tiny treasures. Your Quilty 365 is looking great too. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
