
Monday, February 8, 2016

Scraptastic Tuesday

I pulled this over flowing tote to play with Monday with a set purpose.

To build houses for the House Block Party (see side bar button).  This one is for the block lotto.  My 300 year old brick house is this wonky and the poor little Maple next to it has had so much storm damage it looks this way.

And this one is to be donated for the charity quilt.

The Amish Nines is a first February finish, too.  This was made entirely from scraps.  Those little nines needed small amounts so not too many solid scraps were used up.  The Kona black is left over strips from prior projects - what's left is going into some log cabin blocks.  The back was  a piece of Thimbleberries - just enough.  I used a scrap piece of Quilter's Dream Select cotton batt with scrap piece of crafter's felt - makes these mini wallhangings hang nice and flat.

** linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday and Oh,Scrap **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hi Sharon ,oh my those house blocks are awesome and your mini is fantastic too,well done my friend xx

  2. I just love that first house block!! The fabric is really effective :)

  3. I knew your house was old but never realized just how old, has it been the family home forever?

  4. I love your little houses. Great job!

  5. I LOVE your happy plaid wonky house blocks! They look like they're dancing.

  6. I adore your houses! Plaids are perfect.

  7. Gotta get my wonky house done for the Block Party. You are a good inspiration. (So should I make the block or color my hair tonight after work?)

  8. Look at all those pretty plaids you have! Love your house blocks. I am happy you shared them with Oh Scrap!

  9. The housees look like a fun block to construct.

    I love the Amish Nines quilt. Congratulations on another finish!

  10. Love the Amish Nines! What a terrific project for using up scraps. And those wonky house blocks are so happy.

  11. Love wonky blocks and those houses and tress are cute! Adore the Amish quilt - what punches of colour! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

  12. these blocks are great fun and such a good way to use up scraps

  13. love your little houses. I would love to participate but with bedroom renovations and reunions coming up my plate is a little full. love seeing yours. so darned cute!

  14. Very striking mini! Love those brights with the black. Loos like your neighborhood is coming together.
