
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Slow Stitching Sunday

I will be joining Kathy today with some slow stitching.  I have been sure to at least select a fabric, prep the circle, and then pin to it's background.  As you can see, I have a few to get stitched.  They don't take long to do and then I can get them sewn together and then add to the group.

I liked Angela's idea of sewing them into a larger sub-block, then those can be sewn together, making quicker work of putting this quilt together.  I mathed out my plan and working sub-blocks 6 x 6 will work for me.

Then I will have time to finish this - with resident quilt keeper.  It's hard enought to home machine quilt a quilt, but with this butter ball in the way - HARDER.  She was thrilled when that table went up - a quilt is coming out for some snuggling!.  It's quilted and I hope to get the binding on so I can hand stitch it to it's finish.

Pick up some hand stitching and join us,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great the switched up placement for the backgrounds. Pat mentioned sewing them together in sections too.....I need to be sure of my placements, but think it is a good idea now that I have a couple of months of circles.
    Are those eyeglasses in the print cute!

  2. Glad that you have some help with your quilting. Too funny. Loving the way your circles are coming together. This has been a fun quilt along.

  3. I like the way you are doing the backgrounds too. Have fun stitching your circles down today.

  4. I love your little helper. It is always nice to have some company when you quilt. Your circles are very pretty.

  5. Cute helper that you have there! :)

    This reminded me that I am behind on about 3 days of circles though at least I have them prepped. Maybe I should do them first thing before anything else in regards to sewing today!

  6. Your circles look great! I will be working on mine today too.

  7. I'm a couple of days behind in my circles (but mine are hearts!), I should try to get caught up today. I've sewn a couple of rows of mine together so I don't have to do it at the end. I love the artwork in your blog's you know the artist?

  8. Your circles look great, that background really adds to them and the bright colors really pop, this could end up being a great kids quilt.

  9. Your circles will make a love.y quilt....

  10. your circle collection is growing fast a good idea to make into blocks as you go. She looks as though butter would not melt in her mouth and woe betide you if you try and move her

  11. Love your circles, and your little helper, too.

  12. I like you're idea of using a pieced block in the background. Very cute. It's going to make a nice quilt that way. 6x6 is the size for my teacher blocks, and it's a good size for a large quilt.

  13. Of course, putting another quilt out as a distraction wouldn't work, as the Quilt Inspectors are much too smart to fall for such a cheap trick. ;)

  14. Good for you for keeping up with those circles! Looking great!

  15. Oh, funny, she is a little butter ball. Adorable. Great plan on the blocks.

  16. Very pretty circles and I do love your snuggly butter ball.

  17. Interesting look of the backgrounds to these circle blocks

  18. Hi Sharon,wow i love those circles and well done on your beautiful finish xx

  19. Great job on the circles. What size are your blocks? Love the oh so comfy cat.

  20. I joined you! Your circles are fun -- did you enjoy playing with them today?! :)

  21. Sadly, quilts are no longer 'kitty approved' in our home, but they were especially fond of getting under them while I was turning the binding. The ultimate Cat Cave, I guess.

  22. What would we do without the help of our furry friends!

  23. She looks like you just work her up! You must really have developed a lot of upper arm strength with that quilting routine.
