
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Nov 2015 Let's Book It Winners

SewingAngelCHARM.jpg             RoseOfSharonCHARM.jpg

** just realizing my post didn't go live nor the notification e-mails**

The winners of the Sewing Angel and Rose of Sharon Charm to go with the Vintage Pin  are:

#3 Barbara  and  #5 Cheryl

I had previously wrapped the pin/charm sets and boxed, so you gals will be just as surprised as I when you get the box.

Remember that we are taking December off so all that hectic sewing and activities can get done.  I have updated the button for 2016.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Congratulations to Barbara and Cheryl!

    Merry Christmas, Sharon!

  2. I said no more new projects till I have done some on m to do list then saw the 2016 HST one here on your blog and yes have signed up to have a go not sure if thankyou is right!! Dar not click on the Quilt doodle design link!

  3. Congratulations to Barbara and Cheryl, it made me smile that you can't tell them what they won, oh the anticipation :)
