
Monday, December 28, 2015

2016 Goals


I have given this some thought long ago and it simply comes down to the 'Motto' I have chosen for the year - Do More of What Makes You Happy.  And if you know me - playing in scraps to make lots of blocks is what makes me happy.   

I'm keeping it real!  I know where everything is and it will get organized as I go into the next month or two.  Those two large grey totes are filled with gifted bags of scraps - so full, I have some bags and boxes here and there.  The clear totes - one with scrap batt (for my minis) and the other has 'to be quilted' flimsies.  Two of those will be going off to the long armer in January, one for me to do, and there is actually one I am hand quilting.


     RSC16, Oh,Scrap, Scraptastic Tuesday, Modern HST, Quilt Doodle,
     365, Adrinka

All of those have links on the side bar - plus, I want to play with these.


     There will be bindings, melons yet to work on, cross stitch pieces to
      finish, and that hand quilting on the star quilt.


Dust Off Those Books
     I already have my January project picked out.  Use those books,          
     magazines, printed and saved files - clear the dust.  You can
     read more about that on my TAB.


     Hands2Help and local Quilt Guild - and as needs arise
I hope to do more testing for designers as well as interested in the Pattern Writing (see side bar).  I plan to participate in some of the various fabric companies block and pattern contests this year.  I, also, have two large local quilt shows in 2016 that I will be entering - one in the Spring and one in the Fall.

So a busy year planned, but it will make me HAPPY to use this up....

** linking up with the Planning Party HERE **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. some good plans you have made for 2016 I too have the farmers wife book, Vintage farm girl and also Women of the Bible quilts I would like to do but I think my main goal for 2016 is to try and machine quilt both with a walking foot and FMQ successfully

  2. Hi Sharon ,wow it must feel so good to have plans for next year,think I might sit down and do the same xx

  3. Wow...great plans and a full schedule for the year. I love your variety of ideas and look forward to following that pattern writing series. Best things to you for the new year!

  4. Good goals, the farm girl blocks are just the right size for you, I've got the book too and it looks like fun.

  5. I like how your goals are categories rather then specific items, it gives you room to change direction a bit and not be off target for the year. Good luck with all your goals next year. Wishing you a very happy New Year.

  6. Hi Sharon...I enjoyed getting a peek into your process and planning. Love Love your motto: of do what makes you happy!!!

  7. WOW, SHaron - what a great post. Love LOVE your motto for 2016. May I adopt it as well? ;0)

  8. Great goals...and I love the "do what makes you happy". Where sewing is concerned, what else is the point?

  9. It sounds like you have a nice balanced list of goals for next year. I like how you have slower, longer term projects and charity work. Thank you so much for linking up and I wish you a joyful 2016!

  10. I like the sound of your goals again this year. Working through scraps, stash, projects already started, stored patterns, making things that make me happy, quilts for family, friends and charity. It's going to be a good year. Thank you for your inspiring posts. Please blog on my dear.

  11. A good list of goals, and a brilliant idea to have a motto to help keep you on track. Enjoy working through your list this year.

  12. That is such a great motto, and the stitching is cute too! You have a great list of goals...lots of different categories, so you can easily switch it up if you start getting bored :) Have a great 2016!

  13. Sounds like an awesome plan, Sharon!! It'll be *fun* to watch your year unfold!!! :)

  14. What a great year you have planned for yourself and those of us who follow along with you. Cannot wait to see the progress.

  15. Sure sounds to me like what makes you happy also makes me happy. I am going to try to actually finish a few more things this year. So instead of being a topper I will be a quilter again.

  16. Love your motto! And I always enjoy playing in the scrap bin too.:)

  17. Oh, wow, do you sound ambitious!! Oh, jelously is a mean, mean thing!! ;-0 I look forward to seeing all your goodies this coming year and may 2016 be our best one yet!!

  18. I'll look forward to seeing the RSC stuff, i'm joining in with that too (hopefully LOL) You have plenty to keep you inspired and busy in that list thats for sure
