
Friday, April 3, 2015


What a great color to play with for the month of April. I will be linking up with RSC15 HERE and it will be fun to see how everyone has played with their various hues of purple.  These are my Bitty Block houses

And then the bow ties.  I like to start with my smallest blocks to pull out all the bittiest of scraps from that pile first.

Then the larger blocks that need a few more pieces/bigger pieces of scraps.

I just love Sawtooth Stars - these go with my bigger houses for that large project.

And the Woven Heart rounds my block play out.  I only have my Bitty Block baskets to finish up and they are being worked as leader/enders while I work some other blocks. Yes, I get into a block making mood and just go with it.

Just to show what the 'bricks' are - I haven't shown them in any of the other months as the individual piles were boring.  BUT, now they are adding up.  I am making 40 of each color - won't need that many, but it will give me option to play when I lay this all out.

So now this baggy of purple scraps plus some pieces from the FQ tote are gone - well, now blocks which look a lot better than a scramble of scraps.

I am taking one of my 'day trip' adventures and getting some family and grandies time.  Happy Easter

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love those Purple blocks..
    Have a lovely Easter Sharon...

  2. Have a happy and safe Easter Sharon. Love all that "purple"... Xox

  3. All of your purples look great. Enjoy the family time.

  4. Lots of lovely blocks. The itty bitty blocks are fun. Have they posted April's block yet? I can't find it. Have a Happy Easter.

  5. Love the purples. I like that Now and Later quilt, playing with it will be fun I think. Enjoy your day with the family, a perfect way to have some down time if those little ones will let you relax :)

  6. Houses and stars - love em! Great job on moving the purples along.

  7. once you unleash the scrap bag, they seem to fluff up and take up even more space! I like those sawtooth stars a lot too. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  8. Those purple blocks are just fabulous. Enjoy your time with your family.

  9. WOW you were able to get lots done in purple.

  10. So many blocks this week! They so look nicer than a scramble of scraps. Great work!

  11. Ohhhhh, do I love purple. Great blocks you have going there! Happy Easter to you!

  12. i love your purple blocks. Have fun with your grand children. Happy Easter

  13. Great projects! How many rainbow quilts are you hoping to make?

  14. You have been very productive, love the woven heart block.

  15. I love the purples, especially the Woven Heart block. I had never seen that block and I'll have to see if I can find a pattern, Glad you are getting some family time, especially with the grands.

  16. Oh, I love all your purple, especially the purple houses and the 9-patch houses!! So cute!! Happy Easter to you and enjoy your family time!!

  17. Great purple blocks you have been making. Enjoy your family time.

  18. Lovely array of blocks Sharon. Enjoy your Easter with your family.

  19. All of your blocks are lovely...sure hope you have a great time with family. Happy Easter!

  20. Love all your purple blocks. The bricks quilt will be colorful and fun when it's finished. I hope you have a Happy Easter with family tomorrow. Be safe.

  21. Love purple and all of these blocks are beautiful Sharon!

  22. So many great purple blocks! And you used up a lot of scraps. I hope you have a wonderful day with family!

  23. Such beautiful purple blocks - you've had fun! Enjoy your time with the grandies!
