
Monday, April 13, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 4/13/15

I had to pick up my quilting project - rain and kitties with muddy paws that just seem to find a light color quilt - not good!  So I've started to put some of the blocks together for my 'Let's Book It' project from the Nickle book.  These go together very quickly as all the sub-units are made, so I may get all the blocks done this week with a goal of a flimsy by next week.

That is  - if I can keep this fat cat from thinking my container of units is her personal 'nest'.

These 9-patches were going to be a border for the Snowball/9-Patch quilt, but I didn't like the look.  So they are being 'cornered' with some solid scraps (use them right up - gone).  I like this look way better.

My SIL is learning to set aside every little smidge from her projects - so I can play with them later.  Actually in case there is an 'oops' and we need that little piece.  We mathed her latest quilt right to the 'intz' with little waste and the need for real care in that 1/4" seam.

They are now cute little hour glass blocks that will be thought on for a future project.

Now that the sun is out and drying things up - and furries have found a sunny, warm spot for  a long nap - I think I will pull that quilt back out and try to get the FMQ done.

** linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love those Nickel quilt books. So fast and what a great stash buster. Love your hour glass blocks! "Sew" many possibilities!

  2. I love kitty sitting in the plastic tub...that's so cute! :0)

  3. I love that book but wish I would use it more frequently. Perhaps after your stash management post I'll be more inclined to do so. :-) Your blocks are all looking great and I'm looking forward to the completed quilts.

  4. You've gotten quite a bit done. I really like the nine patches. They look so pretty with the corner pieces.

  5. Love the kitty's nest! I do like the cornerstones on the nine patch blocks and those hourglass blocks are going to work up into something nice.

  6. Your projects are wonderful as always and I am so glad you are getting rain and NOT snow and that the sun is finally coming out - hopefully to stay for the summer!!

  7. Hope there aren't any pins under that kitties booty....giggle.

  8. Love your projects - you continue to amaze.

  9. Aren't kitties funny? They insist on sitting in any box, however small.

  10. I love seeing Bella squeezed in there holding your fabric down, I hope you had another container for Moe. The color splashes in your SIL's blocks are really pretty, I like them with the black and white.

  11. I like those nine patch blocks very much; the varied background colors make a nice look. Bella's keeping your blocks warm for you.

  12. Love that nickel quilt book. Can't wait to see what you make from it.

  13. Love those nickel quilt blocks. Perfect for those scraps that have been previously cut into usable units.
    I LOVE to see your fur babies sitting in your boxes. Especially the boxes they can barely sit inside! They make me grin from ear to ear.

  14. Haha cats they seem to know where they shouldn't be! Great scrappy projects - hope to see some finishes soon. Thank you for joining us at #scraptastictuesday

  15. I like making the leftovers into Hourglass units too. They are bigger than an HST made with the same scraps and use up twice as many of them. Pat Speth makes the Nickle quilts idea work so FUN! Good luck getting your FMQ done without kitties help.

  16. All of these are just great! Love the scrappy nine patches on point! That fat cat is hilarious!
