
Thursday, March 5, 2015

In Wait of Daffadils

This months color for RSC15 is YELLOW and it makes me long for daffadils.  I  managed to get a start on my blocks - the Sawtooth Stars.

And the 9-Patch Houses that go with them.

The Woven Heart using the last of those fun dotty fabrics.

I had help - of sorts.  He was more interested in the telescopic magnet wand - yes, he knocked my pins on the floor.  I do have a variety of yellows, but found they are on the pale side so it was a challenge to come up with some interest.  I also did up my 40 'bricks' for a long term project - but didn't photo them as that is a boring pile.

I will work on the Bitty Blocks next week.  The newest block is this cute little house which I will resize for a 4" block.  Quilty Pleasures also showed several options on how to set these blocks HERE.  You certainly could use those ideas for other blocks to create your own row quilt.

This weekend we will see another dusting of snow and then next week we will see a heat wave - we might get into the 40's!!  So I plan to get my wallhanging quilted up Saturday, join in the Sunday Slow Stitching because I plan on taking some very long outdoor walks should that warming happen.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Moe made me laugh, that's a great picture. The bitty blocks always make me think of you, the new house ones are cute and I keep thinking they'd make an interesting border for the right quilt. Time consuming but worth it.

  2. Nice yellows. I plan on working on my yellows this afternoon.

  3. Your yellow blocks are so "happy" and springy to me. They're is certain to ward off winter.

  4. Your yellow blocks really bring thoughts of spring even though the view out my window screams, "Winter." Moe must keep you laughing. He always seems to be up to something. Who would have thought that a walk outdoors in March would seem like such a luxury.

  5. AUghhhhh a breathe of sunshine visiting your blog today!

  6. Well then, I'll just gaze at your blog today, instead of out my window and the snowy, icy, frosty landscape! Bring on Spring!! :)

  7. Great yellow blocks! I sure hope it does warm up for you, so you can take that walk!

  8. Love the yellow.....I can tell you are wishing for spring right now. The yellow heart is delightful....who would have thought.

  9. those are some gorgeous yellows! Exactly the color of daffodils but I think it's gonna be a long time before enough snow melts for ours to pop up :(

    Geesh - what is it with cats and pins??!! Makes me nervous!

  10. Love all the happy yellows...

  11. I think everyone could use some spring weather after the winter we have had. Very pretty sunshiny blocks. You have a great helper.

  12. You need all that sunny yellow. I can't wait for it to warm up, starting this weekend.

  13. You have been busy this week. I love all your yellow blocks!

  14. Your house block is so easy but so effective. Lovely.

  15. Such a sunny and cheerful post. The heart is great and I love the houses from the nine patches.

  16. a yellow heart + yellow houses + yellow stars = love

  17. Love seeing your yellow blocks...definitely makes me think Spring may be on the way!

  18. Love the itty bitty houses. So many great project ideas!

  19. Lots of bright yellow in those blocks. I had to pass on looking at the house blocks, I'm trying really hard to resist the temptation to start anything new. I'll have to just enjoy watching your new blocks come to be.

  20. I love your yellow houses. And your “helper”! I have a couple of those, too.

  21. Your blocks definitely bring thoughts of daffodils but I'm betting we won't be seeing any of those for a bit yet.

  22. What mischief our little friends do get into!!! But they certainly make life more fun and joyful :) Your sunshine fabrics definitely make me feel more joyful too!

  23. I am behind in my post comments. I love your blocks. How fun to see such bright pretty yellows. Hurry up spring!

  24. I'm behind on my RSC comments. Had family in for the weekend.
    Love those yellow prints and blocks I LOVE stars and blocks made with simple squares.

  25. What a fun set of blocks. :- )
    The little houses will be adorable.

  26. I love daffodils, and they are just what I thought of s soon as I saw your blocks. Lovely, happy, spring colours.
