
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Thread

Well, the  time came that I need to add that empty cone into my little bag for inventory and load a new cone.  Now I can get back to work.  And you may be interested in a great thread tip by Joanne @ Every One Deserves A Quilt.  She shares a 'Tip Tuesday' and you really need to visit. This old dog has learn some new tricks - thank you Joanne.

This is my start on the Charming Stars SAL with Terry's Treasures.  Just like the 'Irene' SAL, you chose your pace.  I'm going to work two blocks a month and working up those trim offs for HSTs.  Some are using them for cute little pinwheel blocks.  I think I am going to wait on my thoughts for them - leaning toward a layout for a pillow or two to go with the quilt.

Remember those purples for my Let's Book It project - now made into the base.

Yea, they were peaking in the other photo, but the pumpkins are ready for their faces.  I think I am going to design my own rather than use the book's templates.

I totally forgot about these little guys.  This was the Temecula Quilt Co Summer Spools project.When they showed the finish with the center, I wasn't keen on that finish and tucked them away.  So today I am going to try and get them into a small wallhanging for a finish.

Oh, and I had the pleasure to test another pattern for Bea - I can't wait to see what the other testers came up with.  You are going to LOVE this pattern.  Maybe my cute elephant plushy backing gives some hint - a baby quilt that you are just going to LOVE.

Back to using up that new thread,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your star block is lovely , colours I love . Can't wait to see what you do with the spools . Will have to hop over and visit your friend. , I can always use so,so helpful tips :-)

  2. Saw your Charming Star and was motivated to sign up. Maybe I can use up some of my Christmas Fabric Stash and make a present at the same time. Thanks, I think.

  3. Look forward to seeing the baby quilt, and I like the star. The fabric looks vintage which I'm finding very pleasing right now.

  4. I love your star blocks...they look great! :0)

  5. I can't wait to see the quilt you made for Bea, that elephant fabric is adorable.

  6. Yay! Another spool of thread bites the dust - you go girl!!! I can't wait to see that cute baby quilt. We have a new one on the way - will it get this quilt? Hmmmm -- we'll see :*) Love your purple hst's! Now I'm off to learn some tips about thread.

  7. Lots going on in your sewing room!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing your pumpkin faces.

  9. I love your take on the charming stars sew-a-long quilt! For some reason I can't work with the fabric palette as designed by Moda, so yours really grabs my attention with the darker fabrics. Thanks for the link to the Tuesday tip, I need all the help I can get! In fact, thanks for all you do :O)

  10. Those charming stars are wonderful!

  11. I'm going to enjoy watching your star blocks and bow ties come together. Two star blocks a month sounds like a good idea.

  12. I too love the stars and will be watching their progress. THanks for sharing the tip link.

  13. I look forward to the reveal...looks cute!

  14. Your charming star is lovely. I look forward to seeing what is on the other side of the elephant fabric.

  15. love your stars..... great colours... you have lots of wonderful projects being made...

  16. I haven't made any blocks yet so it's nice to know that you can do something with the leftovers as well.

  17. Hi Sharon, dropping in from Terry's blog and the sew along. Great stars, and two a month is a nice choice :) It looks like you have lots on the go at the same time :)
