
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Waiting for Snow

I've been just doing a few things each day as the change in weather really effects me.  So taking naps here and there.  I did get the doll quilts finished and took a day to do bindings.  I'll share more on those on Saturday, right now Moe is taking his job of holding them down quite serious.

I switched my machines around so I can use my new Juki.  Used it with the doll quilts, but I needed the blanket stitch on it so I could work on my 'Something New' and Book It wallhanging.  Still haven't found my other packages of Steam a Seam2 and the weather has been too bad to ask someone to pick more up should they be near my LQS.  BUT I am still a little further along.

 This is the fourth try at the next step of the Relaxing Round Robin - a round with applique.  I hate applique, seriously - I am just not good at it. I tried every method there is and different designs - this is just going to have to do. I will put either tiny yo-yo's or buttons in the flower centers and plan on doing some echo quilting with floss to make it a little more appealing.

And decided I better get the borders on the Goodnight Irene.  I will do 2 or 3 more borders on this to give it more size as well as frame that center better.

I did get the fussy cut paper dolls and HSTs into blocks, but waiting to finish that one up next week.  As you can see, we are all waiting for the next storm to roll in.  If we should lose power (we have a generator and the plan is to keep the furnaces running) I have some hand work kitted and I'll enjoy some slow stitching.  Please, be safe.......

Sewingly Yours,


  1. It looks like the cats have the right idea, curl up on something soft and warm, and sleep. Stay safe.

  2. Your Irene top looks wonderful! Well done! :0)

  3. Looks like you've been busy. Goodnight Irene is looking good.

    Stay safe. Hope the power stays on.

  4. Good morning! Looking at these projects makes me smile. Your Irene quilt is just so scrumptious!

  5. I'm not that fond of doing applique either. Although I think some of them are awesome. IThe goodnight Irene is looking awesome - can't wait to see the finish

  6. Your kitties are pretty anxious I see, worrying about that coming storm LOL!!! They know you'll take care of them, so they are not concerned at all :) Looks like you have a good plan and are taking things slow - good for you! Your applique will look very nice when you add the decorative stitching around it :)

  7. So many lovely projecst, your Irene blocks are fabulous and I think your RR looks great! Stay safe and warm during yet another storm.

  8. Looks like you have plenty of beautiful projects to work on and I hope you stay safe Sharon and don't lose your power! Glad you have a generator though.

  9. I sooooo enjoy seeing pictures of your cats sleeping. Beautiful projects in progress. Love, love, love Irene. It's snowing here. Snowed yesterday. Sleet most of the night. We still have power thank goodness.

  10. I agree that your Irene quilt is lovely It all comes together so nicely. We're going to have a big mix here; right now it's still snow but should change over soon. Keep the faith; When the snow melts we'll be seeing the crocus coming up. I think I'm getting cat-like myself:)

  11. Love your Irene quilt. Am slowly making blocks for mine. Good luck finding Steam a seam 2. Everywhere I have tried they tell me they can't get it. Something about the manufacturer can't get the paper for it. Am just hoping I have enough for the penguin blocks I'm working on. Take Care

  12. I think the cat has the perfect job!!!!

    Your Goodnight Irene looks fabulous. I am with you on the applique technique.

  13. I love how your cats work as place holders! :) Your Goodnight Irene looks fabulous! Stay safe and warm -- and I hope you *don't* lose power!!! :)

  14. Your Goodnight Irene quilt is looking great Sharon. I hope you don't lose power!

  15. Irene is awesome. I can't wait to see the borders you are adding. I am making more blocks instead of adding borders.

  16. I really like how your Goodnight Irene quilt is coming along. We ended up with 8 inches from the overnight/morning snow. We've had sleet and ice, thunder, and now it's snowing again. I think I'm getting too old for this stuff.
    Hope it isn't hitting you too bad.

  17. You have been busy! I have a Juki and just love it!
    Send me your address and I will send you some steam- a-steam.

  18. your Good night Irene quilt is nice. and I love how your Relaxing Robin is coming along too. just enough applique. I know it is a skill that a lot of us fear. it is looking good! Mine will be a row that I can add more applique to as I go. that way I can continue on with its progress.

  19. Love your quilt top! I am also going to add a couple of borders to make it a good size to snuggle under :-)

  20. I'm firmly in the "fear of applique" camp, too. My Relaxing Robin applique step is totally stalled--will be working on it in March. Yours looks lovely, just the right amount of applique. Thanks for posting your progress!
