
Friday, January 24, 2014

Blue - Robin - Irene

I finally played in my BLUE scraps.  Actually I worked out of the bag of fabrics pulled for Celtic Soltice as my string scraps are in a tote I can't reach.  That made me put away larger pieces in their scrap order.  I saw the 'garlic knot' block on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville (when she finds antique quilts while mall/market hunting).  These I'm using 2.5" strips and squares so they finish out 8".

Churn Dash blocks are always fun to play with. These I used 2" strips and 3.5" HSTs to make a 9" block.  

The star block is from  Marcia Hohn - Quilters Cache.  If you are new to Marcia's site - look in the middle of her home page - asks where you want to go today - scroll to Quilt Blocks Galore where she has them listed by Alpha name as well as by block size.  This is a 12" block that is called "another star" by name.

And then I saved all my skinnies as is sorted and worked blocks to make the string blocks.  Everyone gave me their old phone books, so I am able to get a 7" square from those for foundation -  Then I trim to 6.5"  When I can get to my strings and skinnies tote - there will be lots more string blocks.

For my Relaxing Round Robin with  Never 2 Hot 2 Stitch,  I decided to play just in those two baskets of scraps.  The mini laundry basket is full of trims/left overs from 2013 projects.  I confess, I sorted thru it and put away larger pieces in my scrap storage system.  The apple basket has lots of muslin and lite trims that really need using up!! 

To start, my center could have been an orphan block (which I have), but I wanted to use up that fabric in the basket.  I love the star "Charming" pattern and use of the layout page to help with those little bits.

And a border for the center - I whimped and went with just a solid strip and continued the cornerstone out.  These are only 1.5" strips/squares, I want to keep this project on the small side.  A wallhanging rather than a throw or quilt.

 I have been playing a little each day with Goodnight Irene SAL.  I keep wanting to sew those 'X' blocks as 'O's - would that make it Goodmorning Irene?  Sorry, bad joke - but it does make for another interesting pattern.  I have all my rows done and was considering going for a larger quilt.  Then reminded myself I am going slow, stressless, and enjoying my projects this year - so sticking to my original plan of the smaller quilt.  This will be set aside for assembling/finish in February.

** linking up with Never 2 Hot 2 Stitch
                         Terry's Treasures

I'm doing my weekend link ups early as I have the Grow Your Blog post for Saturday and I am thinking that is going to generate a lot of e-mail to respond to - yes, I respond to all (unless no-reply).  Have a lovely weekend,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. So many pretty blocks. I am eyeing your garlic knot block thinking it would work I to a 6 inch block with 2 inch squares. Love the goodnight Irene blocks. Used the same pattern last summer and it turned out great.

  2. All your blocks look great! I thought about making my Goodnight Irene bigger too, then like you decided to just leave it and enjoy it the size it is! :0)

  3. Lots of pretty blocks. Not familiar with the garlic block. Gotta love those 6.5" string blocks!!!
    Irene is looking good! Will confess I laid out ALL my x blocks as "O" blocks in the beginning. too. Luckily caught my mistake just before I sewed them together. haha. They didn't look bad. Like hugs instead of kisses.

  4. Your blue blocks look so pretty, Sharon. You have a nice variety of blues to mix it up.

  5. It looks like you are managing to keep yourself busy with stitching your pretty blocks. I really love scrap quilts best.

  6. wow is all I can say , your blocks are all amazing ,I am saving scraos for a string quilt and really should get that started too just to get them out of the container .Thanks for the inspiration !

  7. Even when you are working "slow," you still manage to get a lot done. I love your Goodnight Irene and garlic knot blocks. I just started putting my 16 charm blocks together for GNI.
    I'll be happy to get your fabric totes out for you. It's 9:40am. If I leave now, I should be there by 1:30pm. I'll get the boxes, have a cup of tea and head home. With that schedule, I should be home for dinner.
    I hope you're warm and cozy. Even with the heat on and the wood burning stove, I still feel like a Popsicle.

  8. I do love playing with the churn dash, too -- I think it may be my favorite traditional block. You're getting so much accomplished! I'm happy this is productive time! :)

  9. Gosh, Sharon. You do keep busy making such beautiful blocks and quilts. I'm always amazed at all you accomplish.

  10. Love your BLUE blocks Sharon!!! The churn dash is one of my favorite blocks :) And of course, you can never have enough string blocks. I'm looking forward to seeing your Round Robin come together.

  11. Oh WOW... you have been busy! :)

  12. Your blocks are looking lovely, Sharon.

  13. You sure made a lot of blocks for someone who is supposed to be taking it easy! Love that knot block!

  14. Your blue blocks are looking good. So is your Irene blocks. I hope you are feeling better.

  15. love your relaxing robin. cant wait to see what you do next!

  16. All of your blocks are beautiful, but as I'm partial to blue, those are my favorite.

  17. Lots of pretty blocks you have there. They will turn into some beautiful quilts.

  18. so many pretty blocks!! lovely work as always :)
