
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Last Black Saturday

The month of October's color for RSC13 was Black/Grey and I really didn't want to add that to my blocks in progress as I plan to use black as sashings. corner stones, or setting triangles.  Then I remembered.....

I had been cutting 'bricks' each month and would need the 'stepping stone' (4-patches) which I wanted to use black and muslin.  So I pulled different blacks with some sort of tonal grey in them - some leaf, some dots, some vines, some that look like rain splash.  So starting early this morning I whipped up 110 stones.

I have gotten all the rows stitched and tomorrow I will put them into a flimsie.  This is a free pattern on Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville - called bricks and stepping stones.

I will be linking up over at SoScrappy - check out what other's have done with black/grey for the month.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You figured that one out. Like the bricks!

  2. Oh, Sharon!! I love it!! Those little black and muslin 4 patches just pop!! I can't wait to see it all quiled and completed!! You were a busy, busy girl today!! :-)

  3. Very scrappy so a great use of bits! :)

  4. great idea,looks great Sharon.xx

  5. Good for you! You met the challenge and have a beautiful quilt in the making!

  6. The blocks look great with the black and white blocks. I have always wanted to make this quilt. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  7. The blocks look great with the black and white blocks. I have always wanted to make this quilt. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  8. Do you know about Jo's challenge at Jo's Country Quilts to finish a Bonnie Hunter quilt before the new mystery begins? This project would qualify. It looks great.

  9. You made it sound so easy! You got a lot done and it looks great too.

  10. That looks great, and the name is perfect. This is a brick quilt with pizazz.

  11. I have always loved that pattern and yours looks terrific.

  12. Beautiful! Such a great way to use up some black.

  13. I was the same. I couldn't bring myself to make a black 16-patch. I dont have much variety of black, mostly solid kona. But because my project for scraps this year is the 16-patch stars quilt, I forget that we can mix other colors as our scrap project. So next year, I have a few ideas saved in a folder. I may make at least two of them (LOL), a few are wonderful to insert my crumb blocks into. So I am excited to start RSC14 next year. I still need 3 colors to finish my project for this year, and I have it all figured out; brown was one of them. This is just the greatest challenge, as we will never run out of scraps, how can we not be inspired to participate to the end?

  14. Love your quilt, Sharon. So much color going on. The little 4 patch blocks pull it all together. This pattern is definitely on my bucket list.

  15. Love it! I've been waiting to see your bricks and steping stones become a top! It is looking great. I can't believe you sewed so many so quickly.

  16. So pretty... I have some bricks to use too! Love this pattern.

  17. That sure looks like a lot of work! You whip things out quicker than anyone I know!

  18. Speed demon you are. It looks great.
