
Monday, May 27, 2013

String Fever

Remember I gave you some tips on sorting and using those scraps - there was a pile of strings in that photo mix.  Well they have been used in various projects from small ........

those tiny rainbow log cabin blocks with 1/2 inch logs - paper pieced of course.  To medium.......

more scrappy log cabin blocks with 3/4 inch logs which I am free sewing.  To large .......

scrappy half log cabin blocks set in a 'magestic mountains' pattern.  This is my entry into the String Fever challenge over at Stitched in Color .  It is a good size couch quilt - 60" x 72" for my son's cabin.

Lots of different size strings used up in this.  Usually the 'chimney' of cabin blocks are red, but I chose to use black chimneys as this is to be a 'manly' quilt.  I kept to just a simple random straight line quilting with black thread on top and bottom.

I used a textured black for the back -'Compliments' by SSI.  This will make for a great snuggle quilt by the fireplace at the cabin. - hey, they had 3 feet of snow at Whiteface Mt. on Memorial Weekend!

Please be sure to visit  Stitched in Color  with the link ups May 28th-30th.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Good for you, Sharon! You get so many projects completed! This definitely is a manly quilt. It was cool here, but we still went to the pool. Thank goodness it's summer finally and not snowing any more!

  2. Sharon, I love all three of them and I am especially loving the tiny rainbow blocks!! Wouldn't that make a darling doll quilt?? And your son's quilt is definitely a "manly" quilt - 3 feet of snow this weekend?? Yiks!!!

  3. Beautiful blocks and quilt, Sharon. Your post clearly shows wonderful blocks and quilts can be made with only simple strings.
    And I think the random, straight quilting lines sewed in black threads made a bold statement that clearly distinguished this as man's quilt. Well thought out.

  4. Sharon, each and every quilt from small to large is have inspired me...I will keep cutting my leftover fabric into strips and will use them some day!

  5. They're all wonderful Sharon! Those mini's must have been fun to make. :)

  6. wonderful blocks Sharon and love your son's quilt,well done.xx

  7. I really love log cabins. these are fantastic. Love the colors.

  8. So pretty... I really like that layout! I'm always drawn to half light/half dark blocks.

  9. I tell you this all the time, BUT, you are so amazing with what you get done, not to mention all the inspiration you pass on to us!!

  10. Love your setting for the quilt for your son.....just fabulous. Great job on all your strings!

  11. Looks beautiful. I love the creative lay out of the blocks for your son's quilt. I have not seen that done before. I am just finding out about the "string fever" QAL but am inspired to try something a bit bigger. I made my first log cabin and string blocks this winter. Thanks for sharing. janita

  12. Wow Sharon!! This are just awesome!! I love log cabins, but haven't tried doing one with paper piecing yet. I really need to try that!!

  13. Love all these log cabin blocks and the quilt is wonderful, bet your son is very pleased !!

  14. Beautiful work as always Sharon and I love your quilt for your son!

  15. I am here after hearing about the Stitched in Colour Festival and love your log cabin ideas!
    Was looking for the follower box but it didnt load even after quite a while.
    I guess your Full!!
    All the best,

  16. I can't imagine snow right now: we're getting 90 degree weather already! I'm still quilting, though. Found you through the String Quilt Festival and love your blog....newest follower :-)

  17. How cool that your cabin quilt is for your son's cabin! Hehe! Thanks for joining in.

  18. Very manly, indeed, but one that I wouldn't mind cuddling up under either! Lovely job!
