
Friday, April 26, 2013

Last Green Weekend

Well - we haven't experience Spring as of yet - maybe this weekend - so hopefully more green will pop up around here nature wise.  BUT this is the last weekend of the RainBow Scrap Challenge using the colour green.   My six 6.5" green log cabin blocks ready to add to that tote.  These are paper pieced (and papers left on until final putting the quilt together) - I like working small, but not crazy - these are 1/2" finished logs!!

I haven't shown this since the beginning - my bricks!  I know , how exciting, geesh!!  But I am cutting several 3.5" x 6.5" rectangles for a brick and cobblestone quilt (free pattern on Bonnie Hunter's site is you are interested).  I'll make the cobblestone parts when we get (or if we get) to black - stashing black strips (as I find them in the scrap bin) for this.

I will be linking up to So Scrappy - pop in on the weekend to see what others are doing with their color scraps.

"The wood is decked in light green leaf.
The swallow twitters in delight.
The lonely vine sheds joyous tears
Of interwoven dew and light."
- Ilia Chavchavadze, Spring

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love your sweet paper pieced green log cabin blocks. So neat. Had no idea they were only 6.5" blocks.
    I've seen Bonnie's bricks pattern and thought about making it one day. I'll watch you make your's this year and make mine next year.

  2. Really nice log blocks. I'm wondering if I'd be happy doing pieces that small. It was great to finally meet you yesterday. We had a lot of fun and got home at 9:30 pm. We loved Quilt Bug and The Yardstick. We are already looking at the calendar to plan a return trip. We'll get in touch when we do and we can perhaps have lunch. Hugs.

  3. Your logs are very pretty. Log cabin blocks are one of my favorite blocks but I never seem to make them. I have some bricks cut for Bonnie's pattern.
    Your "Greens" are a great stash buster.

  4. I love your log cabins and the smaller the logs the better, I think it makes them so much prettier, half inch though would make me crazy.

  5. Hi Sharon--Your log cabin blocks are so fresh looking--love that green with white...Julierose

  6. great little log cabin, wow, so tiny!! You are a very patient quilter!!

  7. Those blocks are just adorable. Small and tidy. You have a penchant for making scraps inviting. I missed this whole month of greens... Can't ever keep up with you either!

  8. I love the green logs. They are small, but they are beautiful.

  9. Cute little green log cabins! I would have a hard time making them as my stash seems to be missing green.

  10. I love log cabin blocks and those are really lovely , so tiny but so perfect . Spring is having a hard time finding us too, it is cold and damp here today .

  11. Wonderful green blocks! I keep looking at the bird trying to decide if he's singing a beautiful song or telling someone off.....giggle.

  12. What a great idea to organize your bricks as you go along! Love the little log cabin blocks...all your greens play perfectly together!

  13. So pretty! You have a lot of nice greens to play with.

  14. Your little log cabins are lovely, a lot of sewing on those little blocks. Love the bird.

  15. Love your log cabin blocks - so classic and classy. Such a neat idea to cut the bricks each month...... I may have to steal that.

  16. Your log cabin blocks are wonderful...great contrast so the greens just pop!

  17. Log cabins are always so pleasing to the eye... especially in my fav colour...GrEEn!
    Always a lovely blog to visit! :)

  18. Wow! I like paper piecing but 1/2"...that's intense!!
