
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Coming Up For Air

Gosh, I was posting everyday, then the old girl shut-up!  I just had to concentrate on getting the final bits done on a few projects that needed to get out to the post.  A lot of secret projects - such as my Monthly Doll Quilt Swap, a St. Patty mini went off, several other minis, the stash box and a donation off to Sarah's group.  I spent a long time at the post office!  But, phew, everything that needed to be mailed off for the month is done and gone!

I am at a point of really wanting to 'finish' projects.  This is 'Cherry on Top' - a mock log mini in Konda's Simply Charming-Minis book.  And a few small items for our family home shop got completed.

And I put the rows and borders on the Temecula 'Celebration' quilt.  I now have this sandwiched up and ready for quilting.  I want to hand quilt this one with the Baptist Fan.  I haven't hand quilted in a while and the BF is not a motif I have done before  so I am going to take my time on this one.

Now I need to think about the next Project Quilting Challenge.  We have to use a publication for inspiration - since I don't have anything like that, my SIL brought down a magazine for me (without knowing what,why,how,when of it).  Tomorrows play date.

I will be participating in the Quilt Gallery GiveAway Hop starting the 8th, so see you then,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Could you bottle some of the finish up and send this way PLEASE?

  2. Love a finish! Good luck with the hand quilting too! :)

  3. you do such beautiful work Sharon,well done.xx

  4. Oh my. What a sweet little quilt and baby doll. Love the fun fabric! Must chuckle looking at it. Funny looking cats, birds, fish, fish BONES. Guess those fish didn't get away from the cats. haha.
    Another Mini Quilt Along finish. Cherries on Top. One of my favorite patterns in the book.
    Pretty Temecula "Celebration" quilt top. Could kick myself for letting this quilt along happen without me.
    You have been busy!!!

  5. Adorable mini and doll and I love your Temecula quilt , it will be lovely hand quilted !

  6. Love that little doll, and the Temecula quilt is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see that finished - let me know how the Baptist Fan goes! Someday....

  7. Haha! I know exactly what you mean about the posting thing! Your Cherry on Top quilt is just darling!! And I love the borders on your Temecula piece. It'll be lovely with the Baptist Fan quilted in it -- and a nice way to sit and settle in for an evening with a hand-quilting project! :)

  8. Your projects are always so enjoyable Sharon! And I envy the ladies in your doll quilt swap - your dolls are extraordinary :*)

  9. I love the bright blue in that!! The ladies who get your creations are lucky indeed!

  10. I love the color combination in the Cherry on top quilt. I can't wait to see the Baptist Fan hand quilting on the Celebration quilt.

  11. Love your Celebration quilt....I enjoy the hand quilting, and my fav pattern is Baptist fan. Have fun!
