
Friday, February 22, 2013

Feline Friday (on Sat)

Since I didn't get to playing in my scrap bin over the weekend due to catching up on all those BOMs and QALs - I pulled it out and just tipped onto the table, so I could reach in for a piece and sew on the side table - making scrappy half-log cabin blocks.  Every once in a while I would get a 'prick' - I though maybe some pins had gotten mixed in - BUT then something bit me!!  If I have a mouse in this bin with two cats in the house - NO ONE is getting fed!!

I was kind of just grabbing and going with no looking - well I looked and dug a little to discover what critter was in my bin - MR MOE!!  I never even noticed he had crawled in there - he just didn't want me taking his bedding.  Sorry Moe, but MaMa wants to play in this pile.

And he has been lost without the Little Black Dress quilt - so he claimed this one.  I kept putting him down and he would return, so I just rolled and shuffled him around as I quilted.............

and even when I flipped it to start the binding - he was right back at it - see him holding on the binding so it doesn't tangle up - HA -  somehow I did manage to finish up the StoneHenge quilt.  Washed and dried and into the shop - poor Moe, what will he claim next?

** linking up with Sarah Did It - Feline Friday **

The weekend will be filled with attaching bindings and labels.............

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Moe needs a quilt all for himself.

  2. Oh poor Mr Moe. I hope he's found another quilt now to sleep in?

  3. Well I guess you're just going to have to make him a little black dress quilt of his own, maybe then he'll take care of the mice.

  4. Mr Moe takes his expert supervisor status very seriously. He will probably need a nap when he get off work.

  5. such a cute quilt inspector you have there. My kitties claim my projects as theirs also. Phoebe claimed a lap quilt that was supposed to be a donation quilt to a nursing home. I had to wash it 3 times before I gave up and let her have it!

  6. It's nice that you have such good help while sewing!

  7. That is pretty funny. Looks like he might need a quilt of his own :-)

  8. Haha! Adordable! Gotta love a curious kitty. :-)

  9. Moe definitely needs a quilt of his own, though I doubt that would stop his curiosity about every other new one. Kitties want it all!

  10. He looks so cute in that bin of scraps--I love it!

  11. That is too funny. What a great spot for him though.

  12. I am joining Feline Friday on Saturday, too

    This reminds me of my little Mina Kitty who used to crawl into my scrap bin and did not like me to use her scraps.

    It also reminds me I am late for Scrappy Saturday, too ... best move the cats off my quilting and get sewing ... have a happy quilty day ...

    :) Pat

  13. I think cat people must have an extra helping of patience! Glad you took advantage of the good help you have!!

  14. I;m chuckling bunches here over Mr Moe's antics. Those fur babies can definitely be silly, as my daughter would call it.

  15. I find cats in boxes adorable but a cat in a box of fabric is even more so...thanks for bringing Mr Moe to feline friday.

  16. Mr. Moe is quite the dashing figure, no matter where he's cuddled up!! He looks like he's a very good friend! :)

  17. Mr Moe is just too funny! LOVE these pictures and your Moe story. He is like a little child.
    Love the scrappy blocks, too.
