
Monday, February 11, 2013

DWM - 2/11/13


Well, with the snowstorm over the weekend - what's a gal to do but pull out some scraps and play as long as the power stays on.  Luckily we didn't get as much snow or as high winds as other areas - put I did have fun playing all the same.  Gosh, what we store our stashed out scraps in - right!  I think these cute little gift bags need emptying - so I can use them for some gifts!

When I saw all those HSTs and bits of scraps, I remembered the little baskets over at  Lynn's.  I've made these before - fun and quick and they use up those bits.  I broke down some of the pieces into my pre-cut barrels and the many bits of lites are now stored properly for future use.  I need a lot more of these little baskets for a nice size quilt - I am sure I will come across more scraps to play with.

And I prepped some of my scrap Summer Breeze for a star quilt to work on when my SIL comes down to play with her star quilt.  This fabric is just too pretty to let sit on the shelf.  I, also, did miles and miles of binding - I have a lot of quilts and minis waiting for their final step in completion.  I hope to get those finished up thru the rest of February.

I did manage a finish - Pam Buda's Pocket PatchWork - Orphans & Scraps project.  I didn't want a skinny long runner, so made them into a 4-patch mini for a candle mat.  This is my February Christmas Thru The Year project.  Paired with a candle and little prim ornament or collectable and I have another gift ready.

The Hugs & Kisses Blog Hop (see button) started today.
As soon as SewCalGal has an update post - I will put the button with link for the voting for the Golden Quilter Awards.
Remember to check the button for the Traveling Stash boxes - a number are ready for new homes!

Sewingly Yours,
**linking up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday**


  1. There's nothing like a bad weather day to get to play in your sewing room. Love seeing the scrappy projects you're working on. The baskets are my favorite. Great job!!

  2. Those little baskets looks like fun ande they are so pretty.

  3. Those little baskets are so cute! Glad you didn't lose power.

  4. I love those little baskets and the blue and yellows are fabulous.

  5. The cake stand blocks in the DWM thumbnail photo caught my eye. I'm partial to them, too!

  6. We were making baskets together at the same time! Aren't they fun and easy to make. You've been busy with all of your projects. I'm so glad the storm wasn't as bad in your area so you could keep sewing.

  7. I have to stop looking at blogs!! Now I want a basket quilt LOL

  8. Good use of snow time. I love the little baskets.

  9. I love the little cake stands! So glad your power stayed on. We had a small blizzard here over the weekend--no problems as long as you didn't have to drive in it.

  10. Adorable basket blocks. I use them for my leader/ender and they pile up pretty fast.

  11. Oh Sharon, you've got some fun things up on your wall ... not to mention that sweet little finish!! I love how that looks!! :)

  12. You were very productive during the storm , lots of lovely work , I especially love the baskets!

  13. LOL our snow was done, but I thought I'd pretend I was on the East coast with power and quilted all weekend!! Love the basket blocks. I've got some HSTs in odd places too, I just might think about those baskets, way too cute!!

  14. Snow can make one so productive. We might get some tomorrow night, but probably not enough to keep us away from work.

  15. A totally fun way to spend a snow day. Glad y'all are safe and still have power. All that snow is so pretty to look at, but you can keep it up there. It was 69 today and I was still freezing. ;)

  16. Snow days can be so much fun! Love your baskets and your little table topper!

  17. What adorable little baskets Sharon!!! Perfect little block to while away the hours on a bleak winter day :*) Love, love, love those blues and yellows - YUM!!!
